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Adult Coloring Books to Decrease Your Mom Stress + The Best Coloring Book Tools
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I’ve been a huge fan of coloring books from way back. So the latest craze of the adult coloring book makes me happy, happy, happy, and I will admit to having purchased a few, even before the selection was as great as it is now!
The other day, I was searching for more because I want to give some as gifts to my girlfriends, so I thought I would share some of the most beautiful I found.
I know you’re wondering — why an adult coloring book? Well, besides the pure enjoyment of creating beauty with them is the destressing value. There’s a lot of mom stress out there, and sitting down with a lovely coloring book and some awesome colored pencils or fine-point pens will help decrease your stress (with or without your children coloring beside you).
So give it a try and see what you think. And here are a few adult coloring books to get you started.
Editing to add that I have found even more inspirational adult coloring books. I just love these and thought some of you might like to know about them, too.
Such great gifts for your daughters, girlfriends, sisters (and yourself!).