Welcome to 31 Days of Delight-directed Learning, a series on homeschooling using a delight-directed learning method. This method of homeschooling has been the hallmark of our own homeschool for many years. In this seried, I hope to give you a glimpse into all the ways this method of learning can be incorporated into any homeschool, and why we believe it’s a great way way for kids to learn.
1 What Is Delight-directed Learning?
2 Delight-directed Learning in Every Homeschool (even yours)
3 Where Do I Begin with Delight-directed Learning?
4 Preparing Your Homeschool for Delight-directed Learning
5 Is This the Same as Unschooling or Child-Led Learning?
6 Brainstorming with Your Children
7 There’s No Cure for Curiosity
8 Using Unit Studies for Delight-directed Learning
9 Using Curriculum as a Jumping Off Point
10 It’s Okay to Fall Off Your Lesson Plan
11 The Myth of the Gap with Delight-directed Learning
18 Yes, That’s Really “School”
21 Creating Something Out of Nothing
23 Keeping a Curiosity Journal
24 Encouraging Independent Delight-directed Learning
25 Is My Family Too Large for Delight-directed Homeschooling?
26 What About Delight-directed Learning in High School?
27 Delightful Days in a Mason Jar
28 One Day a Week Is All It Takes
29 A Collection of Helpful Resources for Delight-directed Learning
30 Delight-directed Learning One Week at a Time
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