The following are links to a 6-part series I have written on ADHD Awareness. In this series I share transparently how our son (and our family) has been both blessed and challenged by the diagnosis of ADHD. It is my sincere hope that other families will be both encouraged and equipped in their own journeys by sharing in ours, and that ADHD awareness will be raised. More importantly, I hope that families will find the freedom to embrace their fearfully and wonderfully created children living with brains that are wired like a race car with bicycle brakes!
If you’d like to read any of the 6 ADHD Awareness articles, here are the links:
ADHD Defined
ADHD, Lying and Your Child’s Heart
Angry, Frustrated, and Hurt, oh my!
Focus versus Hyperfocus
To Treat or Not to Treat, That is the Question
Top Ten Resources for ADHD Support