The Planner by Alexandra Swann — Forty-one year old Kris Mitchell has seen her entire life ripped away from her by the economic downturn. Once a top-producing real estate agent with a great business and a beautiful home, Kris is now barely staying alive selling a few houses a year. Her home has been foreclosed on and her long-time boyfriend has married someone else. When Kris gets an opportunity to become a Level 1 Planner for a new federal agency that has been created to implement the Retire America Act of 2013, she is grateful that for the first time in years, she will actually have a steady paycheck and a future. But as Kris works to implement the Retire America Act, she learns that the government’s new plan to confiscate all of the wealth and property of America’s retirees in order to ensure them lifelong care in the Smart Seniors Housing Program has some serious downsides. As she tries to help two thousand seniors, including her own parents, adjust to their new lives in Section W, Kris discovers what it really means to trade liberty for security.
The Chosen by Alexandra Swann and Joyce Swann — FIGHT FOR THE LAWS OF OUR COUNTRY! In the future, the U.S. government will be able to detain American citizens indefinitely without trial. In the future, your loved ones will leave for work one day and disappear, and you will never know what happened to them. In the future, only a small group of Americans will be willing to stand for freedom. What if the future were now? In this heart-stopping sequel to “The Planner,” Kris and Keith Mitchell are about to discover what it means to be The Chosen.
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