You’ve heard it said that success is 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration.
Well, when it comes to homeschooling, I think the opposite is true. Homeschooling is at least 90% inspiration!
Homeschooling can be hard. It can wear on your heart, mind and energy. There have been countless times I have logged on to my laptop, overwhelmed, frustrated, and confused only to find a new blog post, Facebook message or Pinterest pin that has brought me comfort, hope, or a new idea for how to make something work.
In today’s post, I’m going to share with you some of my favorite places on the web for inspiration.
A Holy Experience As soon as I open up Ann Voskamp’s blog, the music begins to soothe me. Normally I don’t like blog music at all. Hers is the only blog where I want to cancel the mute button. And then I begin reading. It doesn’t seem to matter what she writes, I find comfort and inspiration there. Ann’s writing and photography are powerful tools. I am grateful she shares her gifts with me.
{in}courage Another special and encouraging home on the web for women. Daily doses of transparent women, moms just like me, making it through life by the grace of God.
Jimmie’s Collage My favorite blog to hit up when I need inspiration in Charlotte Mason methods, including notebooking. Right now, Jimmie is writing a series of posts entitled, 10 Days of Teaching Writing. Be sure to check it out!
Walking by the Way Ami is my go-to girl for delight-directed, unit study, lapbooking inspiration! Her hands-on, get out and get dirty, creative approach to homeschooling her boys always encourages me! She is also writing a series of blog posts, 10 Days of Cultivating Curiosity. I can’t wait to read what she has to say about this topic! And if you’re looking for healthy, whole-food eating inspiration, take a peak at Ami’s new blog, Our Whole Story. (yep, that’s what you call a twofer– 2 recommendations for the price of one!)
The Old Schoolhouse Magazine Facebook Fan Page Countless homeschooling moms, veterans and newbies alike, head over here with their questions about everything from curriculum choices, to recipes, and parenting tips. There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t learn something from the dedicated moms, dads, and grandparents sharing their wisdom here.
His Mercy is New Candace is one of the kindest, most transparent homeschool moms I know. She is honest about her struggles with depression, homeschooling a sometimes difficult child, and wading through what a Godly marriage should look like. If that’s not inspiring enough, then there is her heart for others, especially those who don’t know Jesus. You can read about it all, including her short term missions trips.
Our Journey Westward is my friend, Cindy’s, blog. It, along with her company website, Shining Dawn Books, is my favorite for nature study inspiration, along with more Charlotte Mason love (and yep, there’s another twofer for ya!). Cindy is also in the midst of a blog series, 10 Days of Nature Study. This is the perfect time of year to begin thinking about that topic, if you haven’t already.
Sizzle Bop There are days when I feel like I’m being consumed with ADHD craziness. I usually head to Carol Barnier’s website in tears, and find it filled with hope and laughter. It is often my saving grace! She inspires me in a way that let’s me know I can do this. It’s never long before my tears of frustration turn into tears of laughter, with Carol.
Amanda Bennett’s Pinterest Boards It’s no shock to anyone that we are long-time users of Unit Studies by Amanda Bennett. But I don’t think I’ve ever mentioned Amanda’s Pinterest boards. Wow! While they are mostly linked up to her different unit studies, there are so many cool things pinned there, no matter what curriculum you’re using. My favorites are the geography-based ones. You can travel the world on Amanda’s Pinterest boards!
TOS Homeschool Crew Blog Need a product review? Chances are the Crew has reviewed it. Even though I have served on the Crew for the past 2 years, there are plenty of products I’ve not seen. The Crew blog is my first go-to spot to find reviews, written by homeschooling moms and dads, just like me. My next favorite is TOS Magazine’s online review page. There are more than 5000 product reviews there! Nothing will inspire you more than that!