My church hosts frequent ladies Bible studies, and much of the time I am able to participate. But in the busyness of like, I can’t always. It’s during these times (such as now) that I enjoy finding a study I can do during my quiet time. Actually, without the discipline of consistently doing Bible studies, I struggle with making the time for quiet time.
Earlier today, as I was looking online for a study I could begin this week, I found Kay Arthur’s Bible study book, which led to her free course, teaching her inductive Bible study method. I have wanted to learn this method for a long time so that I can sometimes forego the pre-written Bible study and just study the Bible as I feel led.
While I will likely do that for awhile, it occurred to me that there were likely other Bible study tools for women available free online, and after searching for awhile I found quite a few that I am looking forward to using in the future. Here’s a list of about 50 free Bible studies for women I was able to find.
Free Bible Studies for Women
Kay Arthur
Kay Lee Arthur is an international Bible teacher, four-time ECPA Christian Book Award winning author, and co-CEO of Precept Ministries International.
Kay teaches that studying the Bible has relevance by going through a simple process that introduces some basic Bible study techniques using a common topic.
Skills taught include:
• Using the Inductive Study Method
• Making lists of what is observed in the text
• Marking Scripture for better observation
Below are some of Kay’s inductive Bible studies that I found offered for free (digital study guides + video instruction):
1 Samuel Part One – The Heart of a Leader (no video available)
1 Samuel Part Two – Who are you most like? Saul or David (Video Series)
Isaiah Part One – Judgment But Hope (Video Series)
Isaiah Part Two – Comfort for His People (Video Series)
Jeremiah Part One – Return to Me (Video Series)
Jeremiah Part Two – God’s Certain Judgment (Video Series)
Daniel: Dare to Be God’s Messenger (Video Series)
Matthew: The King, His Kingdom, and Me (Video Series)
Romans: The Constitution of Your Faith (Video Series)
Ephesians: The Mystery of God’s Church (Video Series)
Philippians: Count It All Joy (Video Series)
Revelation: God’s Message to the Church (Video Series)
A Marriage Without Regrets (Video Series)
Christmas: Receiving and Giving Love (Video Series)
Life in the Spirit (Video Series)
Living for God’s Glory (Video Series)
Sermon on the Mount (Video Series)
Ann Graham Lotz
Called “the best preacher in the family” by her father, Billy Graham, Anne Graham Lotz speaks around the globe with the wisdom and authority of years spent studying God’s Word.
Journey to Jesus: Learning to Hear His Voice
This free, online Bible study workshop is designed to lead you on a journey through Scripture to a fresh encounter with Jesus. It can be used for individual or group study. The workshop presents the same 3-question Bible study method that Anne teaches in the workshop session of Just Give Me Jesus revivals.
3 Question Bible Studies
Multi-week studies in a single book of the Bible organized in a five-day-per-week format, these Bible studies use the 3-Question method learned above. Each study includes a printable PDF. You may download and print the complete study in advance or simply one week at a time. Each week is designed to be printed two-sided and three-hole punched for easy assembly in a notebook.
Ezra, Haggai, Esther & Nehemiah – 23 Weeks
Devotional Bible Studies
Topical studies designed to apply God’s Word to your everyday life.
Melanie Newton
Melanie Newton specializes in training women for Lifestyle Disciple-making. Melanie has already equipped several hundred women representing more than 30 churches with the tools for disciplemaking in their everyday lives.
Heartbreak to Hope: Good News from Mark
Through Heartbreak to Hope, you will learn from the gospel of Mark about Jesus’s life on earth, how He related to people and why knowing Him brings hope to your life.
Reboot, Renew, Rejoice: God’s Powerful Presence in First and Second Chronicles
Get Reboot Renew Rejoice and let God fill your heart with joy as you see His powerful presence working in any and all situations and through any person great or small.
Live Out His Love: A Study of New Testament Women
In Live Out His Love Bible Study, you will study Jesus’ love and care for some New Testament women. That’s the same love and care He offers to every woman today, including you.
The God-Dependent Woman: Life Choices from Second Corinthians
Discover that being a God-dependent woman will make you stronger and more effective in life than you could ever be on your own!
Pathways to a Joyful Walk: 4 Paths that Bring Joy to Your Faith Walk
Choices are made daily, weekly, and yearly to follow pathways that lead you on a joyful walk or to one that is frustrating and disappointing. In “Pathways to a Joyful Walk,” you will discover the pathways to follow that make your faith walk a joyful one!
Graceful Beginnings: New Believers Guide
Someone shared the good news of the gospel with you. You recognized your need, you wanted this good news for yourself, and you accepted it by faith in Christ. You began a new life, one based on a relationship with Jesus Christ and filled with treasure that is yours to know and experience. So, go ahead. Delve into your spiritual riches and experience the kind of life your God has prepared for you. Begin your new life in Christ with confidence and joy!
Whether you have been a Christian for a long time but never been truly discipled in the basics of the Christian faith or just need a concise refresher course, this study is for you. Discover who Christ is, what he has done for us on the cross, and our new identity and way of living in him. The heart of this course is the message of God’s love and grace in Jesus Christ and the reality of “Christ alive and living in me.”
Healthy Living: A Study of Colossians
Genuine Christians can be deceived by false teaching, even teaching concerning Christ. Is there some concept that you have about Jesus Christ, salvation, or the Christian life that is not based on Scripture but on man-made tradition or philosophy? Will you give it up and accept the prescription for healthy living presented in God’s Word—Jesus Christ is above all powers and authorities, in all believers, and is all we need for earth and heaven! Will you choose “healthy living?”
Perspective: A Study of 1st and 2nd Thessalonians
“Perspective” — a measured or objective assessment of a situation, giving all aspects their comparative importance
When we gain a proper perspective of God, ourselves, and the world in which we live, we being to serve our God with greater enthusiasm and growing freedom. There is then no limit to what can happen as God works in us and through us to impact our world. How is your perspective?
To Be Found Faithful: A Study of 2nd Timothy
Our God is a faithful God. He is consistently loyal to those whom He loves and who place their trust in Him. God desires that we also be faithful to Him—to be unwavering in belief and consistently loyal to Him—throughout our spiritual walk. And, our God is the One Who protects and preserves that which He has entrusted to us—He enables us to live faithfully as we choose to do so. Will you choose to be found faithful by your God each and every day?
Knowing Jesus, Knowing Joy: A Study of Philippians
Paul’s letter to the Philippians is a well-crafted expression of gratitude and joy. So, what exactly is joy? How does joy differ from happiness? Happiness is a fleeting emotion based on external circumstances. But true joy is different – it is something that comes from within – it’s a deep abiding peace and sense of contentment and strength that is due to something internal.
Adorn Yourself with Godliness: A Study of 1 Timothy and Titus
How could you be more beautiful than to adorn yourself with the very character of God so that your life displays the beliefs you claim to profess?! You can choose to “dress,” act, and be like Him — for Him!
The 7 C’s of a Firm Foundation
Nearly every Biblical doctrine is based on the revelation found in Genesis 1-11. And, the theme of creation and restoration are consistent from the first book, Genesis, to the last book, Revelation. Knowing how the Bible ties everything together helps to build a firm foundation for your faith.
Radical Acts: The Fire of the Spirit Erupting Through Believers
Do you appreciate, anticipate, and long for the Holy Spirit’s work in your life? See the fire of the Spirit erupting through the lives of believers in this 14-lesson grace-based study of the book of Acts.
Everyday Women, Every Faithful God
This 9-lesson grace-based study invites you to journey alongside some special Old Testament women on their walk from fear to deeper faith in our amazing God. They were EVERYDAY WOMEN like we are who experienced fear like we do. From their life stories, we can see an EVER FAITHFUL GOD in action.
Lifeway Women
Is there a ladies Bible study you wish you could have attended at a local church but for some reason, you just couldn’t get there. The following list of Bible studies are similar to what you make have received — there are videos and discussion comments for past studies. While you will need to purchase the books that go along with each study, the online studies with video are free.
Missional Motherhood by Gloria Furman
Join Gloria Furman as she looks to Scripture for evidence of God’s mission for motherhood and His greater purpose for each and every woman. Buy the book.
The Armor of God Bible Study by Priscilla Shirer
All day, every day, an invisible war rages around you. Through this 7-week study, learn how to suit up with the armor of God in order to stand firm and gain victory over the enemy. Buy the book.
Open Your Bible by Raechel Myers and Amanda Bible Williams
God’s Word is for you and for now. In this 7-session study, you’ll learn to engage, apply, and love Scripture. Buy the book.
A 7-session study of 1, 2 & 3 John, What Love Is encourages you to remain faithful to the truth. Kelly will challenge you to look at contrasting themes such as walking in the light instead of darkness, truth versus lies and deception, loving God more than loving the world, and the meaning of true fellowship and community rather than shallowness. Buy the book.
In 7 sessions, Seamless covers the people, places, and promises of the Bible, tying them together into the greater story of Scripture. You will gain an overarching understanding of the fundamental layout and meaning of God’s Word. Angie ties all of Scripture together into the seamless truth of the gospel message. Buy the book.
Freefall to Fly by Rebekah Lyons
This 6-week study is a breathtaking journey toward a life of meaning as women walk through six stages with Rebekah Lyons to find meaning and purpose as individuals and within community. This Bible study will challenge women to breathe deeply and take similar steps of faith in their personal journey of surrender. Buy the book.
Family of Jesus by Karen Kingsbury
Through Scripture and storytelling, Karen Kingsbury uniquely brings Jesus’ family alive. You’ll explore the lives of Joseph, Zechariah, John the Baptist, Elizabeth, James, and Mary and learn more about your Savior. Buy the book.
What are some of your favorite Bible studies for women?