Probably one of the least frugal things I have done in the past is waste food. There are times I think I have thrown away enough food the night before trash day to feed a small family for a week.
It’s sinful, really. Even though it’s usually leftovers.
The most heartbreaking thing is to buy a big box of yummy organic berries (strawberries are my fave), only to have them covered in mold in a day or two. This seems to happen to me a lot when I buy from our local farmer’s market. That healthy lack of pesticides has left the yummy fruit open to mold spores!
Did you know you could prevent that waste?
To kill the mold spores on your berries and extend their fridge life, mix 1 part apple cider vinegar with 10 parts water. Toss your berries into the mixture, swirl them around a bit and drain. They’ll now keep in your refrigerator for a week or more! You don’t even have to rinse them. The vinegar is so diluted, you can’t taste it on the fruit.
You can do this with any fruit really, and with organic fruit you probably always should, since it hasn’t been treated with pesticides.
Get the kids involved, make it a science experiment. They’ll love it and learn, too.
And here’s one more tip for you. If your berries start getting a bit bruised and ripe, simply slice them up and mix with a couple of teaspoons of sugar. They’ll keep a couple more days (and taste yummy, too!).
There are no more excuses for wasting yummy berries, frugal moms!