Are you looking for a simple, but lovely way to study the biblical Christmas story?
Ben and I have spent time with a lovely Bible study in past years and I wanted to share it with you today, because it’s currently on sale! If you have elementary-aged kids, we think you’ll enjoy this study.
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The study comes from one of my favorite companies, Grapevine Studies, where you can “stick figure” through the Bible. It’s called Birth of Jesus and is a study of the events surrounding the birth of the Messiah.
I have the downloadable, elementary study, which comes in 2 parts — a Student book ($8) and a Teacher Book ($12.50). Birth of Jesus is available in two option — one for ages 5-7 and one for ages 7 and up.
If you are not familiar with Grapevine Studies, let me try to explain how this interactive, hands-on Bible study works. They are so easy to use.
Basically, the Teacher Guide contains all of your lessons, including teacher prompts. As you are teaching the lessons to your students, you use a white board with colorful markers, drawing the story in stick figures for your kids to see. At the same time, your kids are using printable pages from the Student book to follow along with their own drawings.
Each lesson begins with a timeline review, followed by memory review, and then stick-figuring the current lesson. The lesson then wraps up with a question and answer component (supplied in the Teacher book) and finally, discussion of life application.
The student drawing pages used during each lesson have an area for drawing, as well as a box for writing or drawing the memory verse for the day.
Don’t let the idea of stick-figuring the timeline fool you — these are meaty studies. During the lesson time, you will read Scripture, discuss it, draw it, do some map work, and look up key words in your Bible dictionary.
This particular “mini-unit” is designed to be completed in 5 weekly lessons or 24 daily lessons. It’s the perfect study to do during Advent!
In Birth of Jesus, you’ll find these lessons:
Birth of Jesus Timeline
The Announcement
Birth of Jesus
The Proclamation
The Wise Men and Herod
Ben really enjoys this method of Bible study. The drawing keeps him focused and in the end, the lessons are meaty enough without being overwhelming. We love that we end up with a lovely notebook keepsake of the study for sharing with dad and review later down the road. We are a huge fan of notebooking in our homeschool because of how well in solidifies the material learned. And because Ben isn’t one to draw lessons in his notebook in great detail, the stick-figure style is just perfect for him.
You can see samples of the Student book here and the Teacher book here.
You can purchase your copy of the Birth of Jesus from the Grapevine Studies website.