Nearly 163 million children across the world are orphans.
Every 2 seconds, another orphan dies from malnutrition.
Malnutrition plays a part in more than half of all child deaths worldwide.
Even more often malnutrition cripples children’s growth, renders them susceptible to disease, dulls their intellects, diminishes their motivation and reduces their productivity.
Consider 4 children you know. What if one of them had so little to eat that they could not grow? In South Africa, one out of every four children under five has stunted growth, a consequence of malnutrition.
6,000 children are orphaned by AIDS every day. That is 1 newly orphaned child every 14 seconds.
The number of the entire child population of California, Oregon, and Washington = the 12,000,000HIV/AIDS orphans living in Sub-Saharan African.
When Ben and I were at the Teach Them Diligently Convention in Spartanburg last month, we discovered a vendor booth for Rice Bowls. Rice Bowls is a ministry which provides much needed meals to children around the world through partnership with faith-based orphanages.
One full bowl feeds a child for a month.
Ben and I actually didn’t even end up at this booth together. But we both discovered it, signed up for their Homeschool Mission Challenge and grabbed a rice bowl. I love when God gives us the opportunity to do missions work right from home. Not all of us can travel to foreign lands. But we can all save loose change to help feed orphans.
You can help, too. Rice Bowls is a super simple way for a homeschool family or co-op to participate in a missions work. All you do is order how many bowls you need (they’re free!) and tell them when you want them. They’ll ship you the bowls for the date you specify. Then you do the following:
- Give the bowls out to your group.
- Announce a gathering date. (4-6 weeks after start date)
- Inspire everyone to fill their bowls.
- Collect the bowls on the gathering date.
- Break ’em open and add everything up.
- Submit funds here
Just $10 will give 40 meals to orphans!
So what are you waiting for? Our family goal is to provide 400 meals! If you don’t wish to begin your own Rice Bowl campaign, we would be grateful for you to contribute to ours. You can send me an email to locustpointe at gmail dot com and I’ll get you information about how you can do so.
If you would like to participate in the Homeschool Mission Challenge, here are the details:
Deadline to return funds for prizes: June 8, 2012
Return funds online or mail check or money order with name & email to:
Rice Bowls, 951 S Pine St, Ste. 252, Spartanburg, SC 29302
Return funds online or mail check or money order with name & email to:
Rice Bowls, 951 S Pine St, Ste. 252, Spartanburg, SC 29302
Family Winner: Co-Op Winner:
4 Rice Bowls orphan shirts 8 Rice Bowls orphan shirts
1 pack of orphan greeting cards 8 packs of orphan greeting cards
1 orphan hand-print candle 8 orphan hand-print candles
4 Rice Bowls orphan shirts 8 Rice Bowls orphan shirts
1 pack of orphan greeting cards 8 packs of orphan greeting cards
1 orphan hand-print candle 8 orphan hand-print candles
Winners announced June 11, 2012
Let’s all take our loose change and make some real change!