Mexican food is no stranger to our home. We all love spicy Mexican (even Tex-Mex) food. Ben especially. I would say at least once a week, we have something that we would consider Mexican food….tacos, nachos, burritos.
I’ve already mentioned that we’re in the midst of our study of Mexico. So it came as no surprise to me that Ben would ask (repeatedly) for Mexican food at mealtime. But I was a little shocked the other day when he wanted a Mexican breakfast!
So, I asked him what he would like to have for his desayuno mexicano. And this was his recipe:
2 scrambled eggs and grated mozerella cheese, wrapped in a flour tortilla, topped with a generous helping of salsa.
Not exactly Huevos Rancheros, but a pretty good attempt for a 7-year-old, I’d say. He cooked most of it himself too! And he gobbled it up. Every, single bite!