Welcome to our first week of Blogging through the Alphabet! I’m so excited to get started with this weekly link-up. I think it will be fun and sometimes challenging . . . I hope you’ll join me! Be sure to grab the button over there on the right ——>.
For my first alphabet post, I thought I’d do a fun alphabet acrostic for some of my favorite homeschooling resources, websites, books, and blogs. So here goes . . .
A is for Alphabet!
A- Apologia Education–love their science and apologetics curricula.
B- Book basket–one of my favorite tools in our homeschool. Our is always filled!
C- Charlotte Mason–lover of living books, art, music, and nature study.
D- d’Aulaire books–we’ve managed collect almost all of these living history books and we love them!
E- Educating the WholeHearted Child–my very favorite book on homeschooling!
F- Facebook–of course, I have to include Facebook. It’s where I connect with so many amazing homeschool moms!
G- Geography Matters–the best resource for geography curriculum, including Galloping the Globe and The Trail Guides.
H- Homeschool Share–free lapbooks, literature-based unit studies, and more!
I- Institute for Excellence in Writing–I believe this is THE best writing program.
J- Jimmie’s Collage–amazing homeschool blog, lover of all things Charlotte Mason.
K- Kindle Fire–tons of free books and educational apps. I’m in love!
L- Life of Fred–the fun, living math program that Ben never complains about!
M- (The) Mystery of History–creation based history books.
N- NaturExplorers–awesome units for your nature studies
O- (The) Old Schoolhouse Magazine–digital and open access!
P- Pinterest–so many incredible ideas pinned from all over the internet. So addicted!
Q- Queen Homeschool–the loveliest, most gentle, Charlotte Mason-friendly language arts.
R- Ruth Beechick–she is one smart lady! Check out her 3Rs if you’re just beginning homeschooling.
S- Schlessinger Media–we watch a lot of videos in our homeschool. Ben learns so much from the videos put out by this company! Thankfully, many of them are available at our library.
T- Time Travelers–awesome history-based activity CDs, including ginormous lapbooks!
U- Unit Studies by Amanda Bennett–our favorite unit studies, computer driven and lots of great topics!
V- Ann Voskamp–her blog, A Holy Experience, is the most inspiring. Ever.
W- Walking by the Way–one of my favorite homeschool blogs.
X- eXpo–yeah, I had to cheat a little on this one, but I have been so blessed by speakers at all of the Schoolhouse Expos, that I had to do it. Besides, what on earth begins with x?
Y- DonnaYoung.org–my go-to place for free printables!
Z- Zoobooks Magazine— perfect for my animal-loving veterinarian wannbe!