Ugh! Days 5 and 6 have turned out not to be so much fun. Lots of aching, especially in my upper back and around my flank area. I keep reading this is normal and to be expected. There’s even something called a “healing crisis” where your body hurts in the area of old injuries and illnesses as those cells are finally cleansed and nourished.
While I wouldn’t consider what’s going on with me a crisis, I am anxious to move beyond it and feel better. I do not want to be discouraged by this and quit the fast, even though I’m sure this must be the point when people do give up. Your prayers for this time to pass quickly and for me to remain steadfast are greatly appreciated.
Now for another juice recipe. Yesterday, I skipped having a sweet juice in the morning. It was the first day that a green juice actually sounded more appealing to me.
I’ve been reading a lot about the benefits of cilantro (it increases the absorption of other nutrients, removes metal toxicity, and strengthens the immune system), so I stopped by the store to get some a couple of days ago and juiced it yesterday.
I kept this juice pretty green, with just a green apple to sweeten it a bit. It’s actually not sweet at all, but it’s also not bitter. It is a bit “pucker” as my son would say. The lemon and cilantro really come through, so it’s more clean and refreshing than anything. I think tonight I will make a carrot/cilantro juice (did you know they’re in the same family?). The things you learn when juicing.
Here’s the recipe:
10 leaves of romaine
3 ribs of celery
1 cucumber
large handful cilantro
large handful parsley
1 green apple
1/2 lemon
thumb-sized piece garlic
Juice, stir, and enjoy immediately. The more I read about the oxidizing (rusting) of fresh juices, the less inclined I am to juice ahead. This recipe made about 2.5 cups of juice.
Here’s a tip for you. Try to juice only organic fruits and veggies. I know it’s expensive, but if you can swing it, do. If you can’t afford to juice all organic, be sure to check out my graphic, showing the “dirty dozen” you should buy organic, and 15 fruits and veggies that are ok to by conventional. If you are juicing anything that is not organic, always peel it first.
(No, you’re not on the wrong blog! All of my Juicing Momma posts have been migrated over here!)