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Lent and Easter Homeschool Resources
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I love Lent — the season that begins with Ash Wednesday and ends with Easter Sunday .
I mean really love it. More than Christmas. One of my favorite activities during the Easter season is to read beautiful books. It’s the same with Christmas. But while Christmas is often overshadowed with commercialism, I somehow find it easier to fall into step with the meaning of Easter.
Over the years, we have read many books and completed several unit studies that focus on this time of year. Since reading books is such a special part of how we celebrate the resurrection of our Savior, I thought I would share some of our favorites, along with a few of the unit studies we have used.
A couple of these do focus on the more secular traditions, but most just focus on Jesus. I hope you enjoy.
But when they looked up, they saw that the stone, which was very large, had been rolled away. As they entered the tomb, they saw a young man dressed in a white robe sitting on the right side, and they were alarmed. “Don’t be alarmed,” he said. “You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid him. ~Mark 16:4-6
Lent and Easter Homeschool Resources
Lent and Easter Bible Studies
Amon’s Adventure Thirteen-year-old Amon, the son of Jotham and Tabitha, enjoys playing with his friends but is also ready to join his father in the temple court where only men are allowed. Eager to be considered a man, Amon struggles to divide his time betweenhis friends and his duties to family and faith. But when Jotham is falsely accused of a terrible crime, Amon willingly sacrifices his childhood ways in order to save his father’s life. Along the way, he sees the jubilant crowds that gathered on Palm Sunday, outwits the Roman soldiers that planned to kill both his father and Jesus, hears the Messiah address the angry crowds, is present during the daring betrayal of Judas Iscariot, and witnesses the ultimate sacrifice made on Good Friday.
With short, exciting chapters, reflections for family devotions, and advice for making Lent a meaningful experience, “Amon’s Adventure” will help families discover anew the spiritual power of the resurrection story.
Bring Lent to LifeDon’t just give something up for Lent! Gather your family, and with Kate Basi’s fresh ideas, you will Bring Lent to Life! Fasting is not just giving up candy, almsgiving is more than giving away your unused allowance, and prayer becomes active. Embark on the adventure of practicing the three tenets of Lent in new ways: -The Easter Tree grows with symbols (nails, an empty egg, three dimes and more) rooted in Scripture, and blooms with flowers through your Lenten observance. – Sunday Love Letters (and drawings) share the love of Christ with family members. – Crafts, family outings, recipes, and other activities help reveal the meaning of Lent.
Make Room: A Child’s Guide to Lent and Easter While the Advent season is filled with fun and expectations, Lent can be hard for children. It’s travels through frightening places, loaded with themes of self-denial and death. How can children approach this season in a way that is meaningful and not frightening? Make Room presents Lent as a special time for creating a welcoming space for God. Other books offer excellent ideas for going through the Lenten season with children, but Make Room uniquely connects its projects to the story of Jesus. Simple and practical activities such as baking bread, having a neighbor over for dinner, uncluttering your room, and watching less TV become acts of justice and kindness, part of a life of following and imitating Christ, and a way to make room for God in our lives and in the world around us.
Under the Fig Tree In John 1:48, Nathanael says to Jesus, “How do you know me?” Jesus replies, with a twinkle in his eye, “I saw you while you were still under the fig tree.” Lent is a time to slow down and journey with Jesus through his life, death, and resurrection. Under the Fig Tree is a book of 46 drawings, photographs, and paintings inspired by Lenten themes, readings, and stories for each day of Lent and Holy Week. The images, like snapshots, are colorful, inspired, and ripe with emotion. The reader receives an opportunity to reflect, slow down, and walk with Jesus as a friend and disciple, to sit with Jesus under the fig tree and talk, listen, and glimpse the face and heart of authentic love.
Resurrection Studies from Grapevine Studies Sit with your students as they listen in on the conversation between Jesus and His disciples as they shared the Last Supper together. Walk with them as they see Jesus being tried, beaten, crucified, and finally dying on the cross. Then share with your students the joy of the disciples when they learn that Jesus rose from the dead. Your Bible study concludes with the last words of instruction Jesus gave to His disciples before He ascended to heaven. Help your students put the Easter story together like never before!
Lent and Easter Book Basket
Benjamin’s BoxWhat are the treasures in Benjamin’s Box? Come along with Benjamin and see. Like all boys and girls, Benjamin is very, very curious. When Jesus comes to Jerusalem, Benjamin decides to follow him and find out who he really is. At first, Benjamin thinks Jesus is a teacher, then a king. At last, he learns the good news―news that every child (and grown-up!) will want to share. Can be used in conjunction with Resurrection Eggs® from Family Life!
The Very First EasterThe Gold Medallion Award-winning team of the renowned ancient historian and the gifted illustrator make the story of Jesus death and resurrection come alive for children aged 5 to 10. Difficult questions are asked, reasonable answers given. For family reading or religious education.
Daily Life at the Time of Jesus Vivid, original illustrations of life in New Testament times, maps, photographs of the Holy Land and the most significant archaeological finds of the past half-century combine to bring alive the times of Jesus in a novel and fascinating way. From the inspiring historical background of the unique period which has affected the lives of so many to the succinct, in-depth explanations that accompany each illustration, this is a perfect book for all ages.
The Tale of Three Trees (see unit study below) Featuring the wonderful illustrations of Tim Jonke, this best-selling children’s book tells the Easter story from a new and unusual point of view. Children will be deeply touched as they understand, perhaps for the first time, the significance of Christ’s life and his atoning sacrifice on the cross.
The Legend of the Easter Egg (see unit study below) One April morning, a boy and his sister go outside to gather eggs. “Let’s pretend we’re hunting Easter eggs!” Lucy says. “What are Easter eggs?” Thomas wonders. In The Legend of the Easter Egg, young Thomas learns the deeper meaning behind Easter eggs and the Easter story itself. When his older sister Lucy falls sick, Thomas goes to stay with John and Mary Sonneman at their candy store. But all the candy he could desire does not cure Thomas’s aching heart. Only when Mary Sonneman shares with him the story of Easter does he understand the hope he has — and what he can do about his sister’s illness.
The Egg Tree One Easter morning, Katy and Carl went on an egg hunt through Grandmom’s house. Katy couldn’t find anything until she went up to the attic. And there she discovered a very special set of eggs… Grandmom had painted them when she was a little girl. And now, she hung them from the branches of a tiny tree—an Egg Tree! So began a very special Easter tradition. This Caldecott Medal-winning story of a Pennsylvania Dutch Easter will surely inspire children to make Egg Trees of their very own.
Rechenka’s Eggs Old Babushka, known throughout all of Moskva for her beautifully painted eggs, is preparing her eggs for the Easter Festival when she takes in an injured goose. She names the goose Rechenka, and they live happily together until one day when Rechenka accidentally overturns a basket, breaking all of Babushka’s lovingly crafted eggs. But the next morning Babushka has a surprise awaiting her in the basket. She cries: “A miracle!” It is one of many in this charmingly told tale of friendship and caring.
The Legend of the Sand Dollar Eight-year-old Kerry loves the ocean. But on this visit to the beach, she discovers a little-known treasure and learns of the story of Easter revealed in the sand dollar. Now you and your child can discover the story behind this small ocean treasure as stunning illustrations form the backdrop for this familiar seaside legend. Seen through the eyes of children, The Legend of the Sand Dollar shares the timeless hope of resurrection and new life―the promise of Easter.
Easter Unit Studies, Notebooking Pages, and Lapbooks
Free Easter Notebooking PagesNew to notebooking? Get started with these holiday notebooking pages from Productive Homeschooling!
Print out a decorated page and allow your child to write his own narration, copywork, or report about Easter. In the blank spaces provided, he can add a map, illustration, or other graphic to accompany his written work. You’ll also receive FREE access to their HUGE free member notebooking resource center.
Easter Unit Study from Unit Studies by Amanda Bennett for grades K-12 (written at 2 levels)