Happy New Year, friends!
2013 is nearly behind us. It’s been a full year here at Ben and Me. Lots of blessings, a few trials, and always so much fun. One of the highlights of the year ending is for me to look back and see what posts reached out and touched someone.
End of year countdowns are popular among bloggers. Some will do Top 10 Favorites, or Top 10 Most Read articles. But for me, I like to look at each month of the year and see what was the most read or received the most comments.
I think you’ll find a good mix of inspiration, reviews, and helpful tips from the past year. I hope you enjoy looking back with me! I’m having a great time remembering!
In January, my post popular post was a frugal recipe post where I share how I stretch one pot roast into 3 meals — One Pot Roast, Three Meals.
In February, our family took a 2-week long vacation to Florida. Because of Ben’s love for the movie, The Dolphin Tale, our first stop was to the Clearwater Marine Aquarium to meet Winter in person. The post sharing about that little field trip struck a chord with many of you. I think there must be lots of fans of Winter the dolphin among my readers! W is for Winter (the dophin, not the season)
In March, a bit of controversy ignited some conversation all over the homeschool blogosphere and on Facebook. I took a stand against the Common Core, but in support of homeschool publishers, and while most of you were supportive, some people unfriended me on Facebook and banned me from groups after reading this post — Common Core Standards — On Judging Homeschool Companies.
Inspired by Tricia Goyer’s new book, Lead Your Family Like Jesus, in April, I challenged you to join me in praying for our children for 30 days, and so many of you took that challenge. You can still download the free printable reminders, verses and prayers — 30 Days of Prayer for Our Kids Begins Today!
In May, I wrote what is undoubtedly the most memorable post of 2013. I don’t think anything else I’ve written has garnered more attention, tears, heart-felt words. I mean, for months, people continued commenting about this one. Strangers stopped me at homeschool conventions to tell me how they cried, or to share their own stories. It was Mother’s Day and the first time I had shared — On Becoming a Mommy – our miraculous birth story.
In June, I wrote a post as a part of a blog carnival on summer staycation ideas. I really didn’t think anyone would pay much attention to it, but within one week, it had more than 1,000 pins and 20,000 pageviews. I hope all these people will visit Kentucky — it’s a great state! Staycation Louisville — 10 Day Trips in and Near Louisville, Kentucky
In July, I spent some time studying the word, “teacher” to help me consider goals for the new homeschool year. Apparently, this study resonated well with lots of teachers, homeschool or otherwise, because it was my most read post for the month! T is for Teacher (A Word Study)
In August, I wrote a 6-part series on ADHD Awareness. All six posts were the most read of the month, with the final post — Top 10 Resources for ADHD Support being the most read. If you’d like to read the entire series, you’ll find links to all 6 posts here.
Another popular series — this one for 10 days — topped the list in September. 10 Days of Heart Parenting was inspired by the book, The Christian Parenting Handbook. I received so much feedback on this series, it was hard to keep up with the comments. You can read the entire series from this link. Or to read the most popular post, click here: Consistency is Overrated.
We couldn’t possibly get through the entire year without at least one review post making the top list. Not Just Tacos was a fun one — probably my favorite review of the year, so not surprising, it was your favorite, too!
In November, I shared an alliterative post for how to creatively learn about your local history — H is for Homeschooling Hometown History with Historical Markers.
It’s befitting December that a homeschool post about Christmas would be on top. J is for Jesus: The Legend of the Candy Cane was very popular, thanks to Pinterest!
2013 has been a good year. It is my sincere prayer that you found something here at Ben and Me to inform, inspire, or bless you this year, and that the same will happen in 2014.
Did you have a favorite post this year? I’d love to hear which one!
Members of the Schoolhouse Review Crew are sharing their memories of 2013. Click on the banner below to read more.
©2007-2013 Ben and Me. All rights reserved. All text, photographs, artwork, and other content may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written consent of the author. https://www.benandme.com