This is my Momma. This picture was taken 14 days ago, just 2 days before she went Home. You see that smile? Everyone saw that smile. Every day. Hospital nurses, housekeepers, doctors, her friends and family. Everyone. It revealed her joy.
Just 12 days before her homegoing, Mom was told she had an incurable, untreatable, rare and aggressive form of cancer, called Anaplastic Thyroid Cancer. I was with her when the oncologist gave her the news. There were no tears, no gasps, not even a shocked look on her face. She simply responded with these words: “The day I was born, God wrote in His book how many days I would live. And I plan to live every one of them.”
And live them she did. With more grace than you can imagine.
I thought there would be more than 12. I’m not sure what Mom thought. We didn’t talk about that. We did talk about many other things. And although 12 days wasn’t a long time, I think Mom was able to say all she needed to say to everyone she wished to. That’s such a gift.
Not once in those 12 days did she frown, complain, or ask “why me?” Do you know what she did?
She smiled. She gave lots of hugs and kisses. She consoled those who were sad at her news. She shared memories and gave sage advice. Her final days were spent doing the same thing she had spent most of her life doing . . . sharing herself with those she loved (and a few strangers). It was amazing to watch. Amazing.
So while we miss her terribly, there’s really nothing but happy, smiling face memories left here for us. Angels rejoice while friends and family mourn. But in the end, all any of us can see is that smile. That joy.
What an incredible gift.
Carolynn Hensley October 21, 1941-November 6, 2011 |
A woman of noble character, who can find? She is worth far more than rubies…..her children arise and call her blessed… ~Proverbs 31:10, 28