Many of you have heard me excitedly share about our use of the Philippians in 28 Weeks from Home School Adventure Co. over the past few months. Recently, I wrote a review for this ESV Bible study/memory tool over at Hip Homeschool Moms. Today, I’m sharing a link over to that review.
Philippians in 28 Weeks
Several months ago, I became aware of a fairly new homeschool company — Home School Adventure Co. – when I was asked to review the company’s flagship curriculum, Philosophy Adventure — Pre-Socratics, I was so thrilled with that resource that I couldn’t wait to use other products published by its author, Stacy Farrell.
Philippians in 28 Weeks was written to both supplement Philosophy Adventure and stand alone as a way for the whole family to study and memorize the entire book of Philippians in small steps spread out over 28 weeks.
Click here to read my review over at Hip Homeschool Moms
Click here to purchase Philippians in 28 Weeks
What’s your favorite verse from Philippians?