Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me away from Your presence. And do not take Your Holy Spirit from me. (Psalm 51:10-11)
We briefly discussed what it means to have a clean (pure heart) and how the word “create” goes beyond being made, to continuing to be shaped and molded, and fine-tuned. We talked about how God does this to our hearts and lives and how our friendship is one of the tools he uses. We also talked about the idea of being slaves to whatever we allow to be our master, instead of God (Romans 6:16). And that in order for God to be our Master, and create a pure heart within us, our hearts (desire, focus, time, energy, lives) must have a focus toward the things of Him.
After reading these verses and discussing these ideas, we took paper (or our journals) and drew our own heart maps. We considered those people, things, and ideas that we wanted to focus our hearts toward in the coming year, giving each of us a nice visual to reference throughout the year whenever we realize we’re getting off course. Althought I love to doodle, I don’t pretend to be an artist. Here is what mine looked like when I was finished.