At the beginning of each school year, I try to set some short-term and long term-goals. This year I only had one of each.
Long-term: try to help Ben discover reading for pleasure.
Short-term: get Ben up to par in math, his least favorite and hardest subject.
So since it is the middle of the year, I suppose it’s a good time to look at those goals and see how we’re doing. And I have to say we’re doing pretty well, thanks to these 2 things.
1. Timez Attack. If you or your kids have not discovered this online tool for increasing fluency with multiplication facts, you might want to check it out. It’s a video game format, which is perfect for my boy, and he is getting better and better. In Ben’s words, “it’s not like I’m even doing school!!!” Timez Attack is available in a free version (which is what we use), and a “full” version. I have no idea what the difference is, but we are just fine with the free version.
2. Child-led Learning. For the first time, this year I have let Ben lead me in his own learning, by allowing him to choose which unit studies we have done. For each unit study, I have selected just one chapter book that he is expected to read while doing the study. Currently, we are doing Amanda Bennett’s unit study on Space. So the book Ben has been reading is from the Childhood of Famous Americans series, called Neil Armstrong: Young Flyer. Well Ben has flown through this book! And what I’ve noticed is that he is now picking up other books to read on his own. He is finding out that reading is fun when you are reading about things you find enjoyable or interesting. I love that and think it’s completely from allowing him the freedom to study what he wishes to.
So as I am evaluating our year thus far, I’d have to say we’re having good success. Boy does that feel good. Now it’s time for some new goals for the rest of the school year. I need to think about it for a bit, but I know one of them will involve writing!
It’s always something.