Thanksgiving is just around the corner, so I thought I would share some of what we’ll be doing in our homeschool to celebrate my favorite holiday. We are beginning Thanksgiving, from Unit Studies by Amanda Bennett in a few days (I just saw a code to get $3 off, if you’re interested–FBThanks3). This is a 4-week long unit study that covers everything about this holiday, including Pilgrims and Native Americans with lots of fun project selections. We are excited to get started!
We’ll also be creating a Thanksgiving lapbook. Homeschool Share has a FREE lapbook created specifically for Amanda’s unit, and it is so beautiful. Instead of using the traditional file folders for the lapbook, we’ll make a real book, using this spiral book from Barebooks in the 10×12 size.
I absolutely love the idea of this Tree of Thanks and will try to put something similar together to begin on November 1. Focusing on our blessings is especially important and I love the visual display this tree will bring.
Finally, here’s a list of some of our favorite Thanksgiving books. I keep thinking that Ben is going to “outgrow” these books soon, but do we really ever outgrow a great picture book?