When I first began juicing, I jumped right into a 30-day fast. I managed to complete 26 days, only quitting then because I traveled to a homeschool convention and was not able to juice while I was gone. You might thing that was a major undertaking for my first attempt at juicing, and you would be right except for one thing — I prepared myself ahead of time.
One thing I learned during the weeks I spent learning about juicing is that it can be a bit controversial.
While I believe juicing is here to stay, I also realize it is an evolving science. And it seems that the louder advocates of juicing become, the louder the naysayers sound.
There are some definite things you should—and should not—do if you decide to begin juicing. They will make all the difference in your success, or lack of success. Not adhering to some simple do’s and don’ts can make the difference between your success and failure. And failure could be damaging to your health.
These do’s and don’ts are divided here into five categories: general, health, weight control, financial, and social. Use what you can in your own juicing adventure; toss away the rest. Like I have said before, this is not an exact science.
Juicing in General
DO plan for where and when you will make juice.
DO plan for carrying and storing your juice away from home, if applicable.
DO wash all produce (even if the bag says “triple washed.”
DO peel all non-organic produce.
DO clean up after yourself every time you clean and prepare fruits and vegetables.
DO dissemble and wash—or at least soak—your juice machine after every production.
DON’T add too many strong/bitter greens to your juices. Get used to how much they can affect the taste and your enjoyment of your juices. Kale is a stronger green than spinach or Romaine lettuce.
DO aim for a ratio of 4:2 green (vegetable) to pink (fruit) for your juices.
DO keep a notebook of the combinations that you like the best (and least)! This will help when planning your grocery shopping lists. One day you’ll make an amazing combination and the next week you’ll want to make it again. You think you’ll remember, but you won’t.
DO have a plan for your juicing. Study the best practices so you can go into it with a chance for success.
DO know what particular vegetables, fruits and greens will best work with any health issues you may have.
DO plan for balance and variety, both for health as well as to keep yourself interested in your juicing.
DON’T stop taking any prescription medicines without discussing with your doctor first. Some medications require a weening process.
DO consult with your doctor if you take medications that could be affected by concentrated amounts of foods such as grapefruit or broccoli. (When in doubt, DO ask.)
DO be careful if you have diabetes or pre-diabetes. Stick with low-sugar fruit like lemon, lime, cranberries and rhubarb. And never fast unless you are under the close supervision of a doctor.
Weight Control
DO understand what you are getting into, if you decide to do a juice fast.
DO plan your juice fast by taking into consideration your work schedule, family obligations, and travel plans.
DO allow yourself to transition into your juice fast and plan to transition out of it. You’ll want to schedule about a week on both ends.
DO think about the food/eating plan you will follow once your official juice fast has ended. There is nothing worse than losing 25 lbs. on a juice fast and then gaining it all back because you didn’t do this. Ask me how I know.
DON’T look at your fast as a “once-and-done,” or the weight you lost will come back overnight. My plan is to continue replacing one meal a day with juicing once my fast is complete.
DO use your newly-awakened taste buds’ excitement to propel yourself into a lifestyle that includes enjoying and exploring lots more fruits and vegetables.
DO look at your budget and make an informed decision about the juice machine you will buy.
DO understand that the volume of produce you will buy is much more than you are used to.
DO expect to have larger than normal grocery bills for the short term, at least. This is especially true if you do a long-term fast.
DO plan to shop for smaller size clothing in a few months if you keep to your healthy lifestyle!
DO realize that some people will criticize you for juicing, especially if you are juice fasting.
DON’T try to convert others to your new way of life. Let your results speak for themselves.
DON’T find yourself unprepared for how to eat at business luncheons or travel.
DO offer to let family members try your juice combinations. It’s fun!
DO keep an optimistic attitude. Remember your original goal, whether it was for general health, specific issues, or weight control.
Finally . . .
DO applaud yourself for taking positive steps for your life.Juicing is not always easy. Fasting has ups and downs. When you succeed, celebrate your success! (just not with chocolate)
Are you enjoying this series? I hope you are being both educated and inspired about this healthful diet change. Tomorrow, I’ll be discussing another topic I am asked about often — juicing vs. blending.
Juice of the Day
If you love grapefruit juice, you’ll really enjoy this slightly sweeter version.
Better Than Grapefruit Juice
- 1 ruby red grapefruit
- 1 apple
- 2 carrots
- 1 lemon
- 1 in piece of ginger
- Wash all produce well
- Core the apple, peel the grapefruit, ginger, and lemon
- Add all ingredients through juicer and enjoy (I recommend Breville)
Yield: 20 oz.
Find more juicing recipes.
Please know that this is my own personal story and the information I have gathered from my own research and experience. I am not a nutritionist or a doctor (nor do I play either one on TV). If you have any chronic conditions, are under the care of a doctor for any diseases, or take medication, please see your doctor before making changes in your diet or embarking on a juicing fast.