The Everywhere God by Bob Nelson and Cricket Nelson Hater is a delightful book about the presence of God in our lives no matter what else may be happening around us. It follows a young boy through various situations and encourages the reader to see God is with him wherever he is and whatever he is doing.
The beautiful watercolor illustrations by artist Robin Tillman are inspiring all on their own. Students will want to grab their favorite paint, marker or crayon and join in the colorful expression. Looking deeper, into the equally creative and colorful words, are lessons for students of all ages. Written in rhyming verse, readers will enjoy fun lines like, “When you’re in a pickle and don’t have a nickel.” The faithfulness of God comes alive in a simple format everyone can relate to and from which they can learn.
The creative writing class of Louisville Creative Arts Academy reviewed the colorful children’s book and came up with some ideas and activities across multiple subjects for students to use in relation to The Everywhere God. From money and weather to poetry and animals, there are so many wonderful lessons to be learned from this charming children’s book. Additionally, the book is a wonderful way to teach children about their own spiritual journey with a faithful God.
The Everywhere God Unit Study
- Create a scavenger hunt looking for items God created in nature. (use the printable scavenger hunt found in your free download)
- Study weather patterns. Use The Everywhere God to discuss various types of weather, weather patterns and climate changes. Here is a good resource.
- Some weather related topics from the book include:
- Snow fall – During winter, help students track snow fall with a yard stick placed in an unobstructed location in the yard. Watch the levels rise as the snow falls. Document with photographs.
- What makes it snow? Help students research the process of snow front development.
- Heat from the sun. Use an outdoor thermometer to track the rising temperature during the summer months. Use a camera to document the rising levels of the heat.
- Learn more about the changing seasons. Here is a resource.
- Some weather related topics from the book include:
- Identify all the animals in the story then research them and write a summary about each one answering the following questions:
- Where do they live?
- What do they eat?
- Would you want one as a pet? If so, why?
*Animals mentioned in the book include:
- Horse
- Bear
- Snake
- Fish
- Raccoon
- Bee
- Counting Money. Teach students about different denominations of coins from a penny to a silver dollar. Do simple addition and subtraction problems using various configurations of the is a great resource!
- How many miles? Use a map of the United States to calculate the distance between various cities.
Language Arts
- What literary devices can be found in the poem? Go over the definition of simile, metaphor, alliteration and onomatopoeia and see if you can find them in the poem.
- This poem is made up of couplets. Talk about different kinds of poetry. (you’ll find more information about poetry in your free download)
- Study the book in April when it is National Poetry Month.
- Encourage students to find other examples of poetry and compare the different styles. Have them share their favorite around the table at dinner.
- Research more about favorite poets and write a paper about his/her life and writing style.
- Write a poem entitled “I see God in the…”
- Penny art – Here is a good source for crafts you can do using pennies and other coins.
- Watercolor project – Have students think of other situations in which God is with them and come up with their own illustrations in the same style as The Everywhere God.
- Nature Walk project. Take a walk on a nice day and gather various items like leaves, bark, pebbles, etc.
- Nature Log – Record items one at a time in a notebook indicating name, date found, species, color and any other remarkable notes.
- Display items in a shadow box (a shoebox without the lid will do) then glue them down. Label each item underneath.
Get Cookin’
- Honey Energy Balls – Make this healthy treat using honey and oats. (recipe found in your free download)
- Butterscotch Haystacks – These no-bake treats are easy for younger students but yummy for everyone. (recipe found in your free download)
Spiritual Life
Open Discussion questions. Use questions to prompt open discussion about our relationship with God.
- How do you know God is real?
- How do you feel God’s love?
- Do you ever feel like God isn’t there?
- How can you rely on God when you are in a tough situation?
- What are some situations you might find yourself when you need to call on God for help?
- In what ways can God help you when you are having trouble?
- Read about the The Prodigal Son. (Luke 15:11-32 ) Discuss times when we try to run away from God. Emphasize no matter where we go, God will be there when we come back.
- Scriptures to use related to The Everywhere God:
- Psalm 139
- Luke 12:11-32
- John 3:16
- Zephaniah 3:17
- Romans 8:37-39
- Ephesians 2:4-5
- Romans 5:8
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