Have you heard it? Are you seeing it? Are you feeling it? It is the excitement (and stress) of the new school year. As I surf around the internet, from blog to blog, forum to forum, on Facebook and Twitter, the buzz it in the air. And it’s loud! It sounds something like this….
“I’m so stressed about planning!”
“I don’t know what I’m getting myself into.”
“I’m not sure I can do this!”
“Am I going to mess up my kids? I’m not a teacher!”
“I can’t decide on a math a program!”
It causes me stress just reading all of the uncertainty, all the worry, all the lack of confidence. I wish I could help. I wish I could hug everyone and promise that it’s going to be okay. Really, okay. I certainly don’t have all the answers. But I think I have a few. And I hope what I’m about to say will help in some way. So here goes.
Planning, schmanning. It certainly helps to have somewhat of a plan. But you do NOT have to know exactly what you’re going to teach every day, every week, every month of the coming year. Start with a smaller plan. Plan your first week. See how it’s going, then move forward with the next week or even month. The most discouraging thing for a homeschool mom is when you fall off your planner. So do yourself a favor and start slowly.
So you don’t know what you’re getting yourself into? Who knew what you getting into when they placed that sweet baby in your arms? But you figured it out. You’re probably still figuring out this parenting thing. Every day is an adventure at my house. I’d bet your house is the same. So think of it that way….an adventure, just another aspect of parenting to learn. And like all adventures….don’t forget to have a little fun along the way.
Trust me, you CAN do this. If I can do this, anyone can. No one loves your children like you do. No one knows your children better than you do. No one wants your children to succeed more than you do. Just like everything else in their lives, you will do everything in your power to make it so. You make sure they are healthy and happy, you will make sure they are learning, too.
Who taught your baby to walk, talk, eat with a fork, look both ways, say “please” and “thank you,” not to touch the hot stove, how to make a bed? You are a teacher. Every parent is. And trust me, you will be learning right along with your child. Some days you might be learning what you’re about to teach about 5 minutes before you teach it. That’s okay. And it’s fun! You will love learning with your students! So don’t think for a moment that you have to know it all. You don’t, you won’t. And that’s okay, too.
Math is the age-old thorn in the homeschool teacher’s side. Everyone wants to find THE perfect math program. Well, allow me to let you in on a little secreat, an important fact. There is no perfect math program. And most any math program you use will teach your student the math he needs to know. If you find you don’t particularly like the math program you choose at first, then find a new one. Simple as that. And just so you know, it’s the same with phonics, handwriting, and pretty much everything else as well!
Now, off you go to a wonderful year of learning and adventure. Be kind to your kids. Be even kinder to yourself. And remember to pray and praise. You’re going to do great!