It’s that time of year — time for my blog vacation. Last year, I began taking a few weeks off at the beginning of the homeschool year, so I can focus more completely on Ben and getting our school year off to the right start. I loved what it did for us last year, so I’m doing it again, beginning next week.
No worries though, just like last year, I have lined up some incredible guest posts for you!
You might remember last year that I had about 8 bloggers from Kentucky share with you in a series I dubbed, Blogging in the Bluegrass. It was such a fun series to do and I love being able to highlight some of my Kentucky friends.
This year, I felt the nudge to arrange a series I’m calling Real Life {While} Homeschooling. I have 9 wonderful bloggers scheduled — all facing some kind of real life challenge while they faithfully homeschool. I know that you will be blessed and encouraged by their hearts and words.
I also have 4 great friends from the Schoolhouse Review Crew who are picking up the slack for me in my weekly Frugal Family link-up I co-host with Kelli @ Homeschooling Adventurez. These ladies will be sharing their own unique perspectives on living the frugal life. You’re sure to pick up some great tips from them.
I have already written and pre-scheduled my weekly Blogging Through the Alphabet posts/link-ups, so they will publish every Monday as usual. I hope you’ll come link up with me!
Other than a couple of reviews that were already on the calendar during my vacation time, this is the schedule of posts for the next 4 weeks. Be sure to stop by and show some support for all of these wonderful friends who will be keeping things interesting around here!
August 27 — Military Family Homeschooling with Heather @ Only Passionate Curiosity
August 30 — Working Away from Home with Sam @ Sam’s Noggin
September 3 — Large Family Homeschooling with Shanna @ Learning at His Feet
September 6 — The Single Mom with LaToya @
September 10 — Living Abroad with Carey Jane @ Life Words
September 13 — Homeschooling When Accidents Happen with Carol Anne @ Confessions of a Fraidy Cat
September 17 — Homeschooling When Seriously Ill with Heather @ Special Needs Homeschooling
September 20 — Homeschooling with Depression with Candace @ His Mercy Is New
September 21 — Homeschooling with Chronic Pain with Kelli @ Homeschooling Adventurez
August 29 — Popcorn: The Frugal Snack with Beth @ Ozark Ramblings
September 5 — 10 Tips for Weight Loss for the Fluffy and Frugal with Rebekah @ There Will Be a $5 Charge for Whining
September 12 — Waiting and Watching As God Provides with Lisa @ Golden Grasses
September 19 — The 5 P’s of Grocery Savings with Carol @ Home Sweet Life
August 26 — X is for Xerxes
September 2 — Y is for Yummy
September 9 — Z is for Zealous
September 16 — begins a short break from Blogging through the Alphabet. We will resume with a new round of ABC Blogging on October 7.
When I return to my regular blogging schedule, I’ll be starting a 10-Day series entitled, Heart Parenting. I’ve shared a few times in the past month about the The Christian Parenting Handbook. This book has had a tremendous impact on the way we are parenting Ben, using a heart parenting approach.
For 10 days, between September 23 and October 4, I will share different ways to get to the heart of your children, including our own personal struggles and how the book addresses them. I hope you’ll join me for that. I believe you will be blessed.
Have a great few weeks and start to your new homeschool year. I’ll see you next month!
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