Lets dig deep into to the word, Voice.
Without it we would have missed out on being created, hearing God and being heard ourselves.
Our Word for Study is Voice
Voice: Latin “voco” (verb – “to throw out” or “drive out sound”) : (noun)
1. Sound or audible noise uttered by the mouth, either of
human beings or of other animals.
2. Any sound made by the breath; as the trumpet’s voice.
3. A vote; suffrage; opinion or choice expressed.
4. Language; words; expression.
utterance: The act of uttering words; pronunciation; ; Emission from the mouth; vocal expression
breath: The air inhaled and expelled in the respiration of animals; Life
choice: The act of choosing; the voluntary act of selecting or separating from that which is preferred; or the determination of the mind in preferring one thing to another
expression: The act of uttering, declaring or representing; utterance; declaration; representation
Biblical References
Acts 2:4
Job 33:4
out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction,
and for training in righteousness, that the man of Godmay be complete, equipped for every good work.“
My Thoughts
We don’t worship a God that ignores us…
…we commune with a God that wants to hear our voices in prayer,
in worship and in living.
Our life is our voice – what are we saying?
Are we listening intently for His voice in the life He has breathed into us?
Lucy is a multi-tasking, homeschool mom of 3 with a desire for “home”made living. She blogs at A Cherished Keeper.