Decorating, cooking, shopping, parties . . . so much going on this month, but I’m finding myself lacking in the area of Christmas spirit. It’s all become too much. The noise of Deck the Halls is drowning out the still small voice that says . . . “I bring you good news of great joy!” It’s so easy to take my eyes off the reason I celebrate Christmas and get lost in the clutter of Amazon boxes and gift wrap.
I am making the choice this Christmas to focus my attention on the Christ child and find that Christmas spirit in serving others. Won’t you join me?
Serve your family.
A man ought to live so that everybody knows he is a Christian. . . and most of all, his family ought to know. (D.L. Moody)
Do something unexpected for someone in your family. Make it something that will make them feel loved. Give your husband a back rub. Do your child’s chores for the week. Help your mom get ready for the next spring yard sale.
Read the Christmas story in Luke, Chapter 2. Maybe even help your children memorize it.
Cook special meals that you know each person in your family loves.
Get off the computer and spend quality time making crafts, baking treats, playing games, reading aloud.
Plan a date night. Take your husband on a date. It doesn’t have to be expensive; it could just be coffee. But arrange the sitter and go spend time alone together. You could even take this opportunity to go Christmas shopping.
Serve your community.
And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.” (Matthew 25:40)
Bake cookies for your local firehouse, pack a care package for a veteran, write a letter to a missionary. Find someone who is serving and sacrificing for the common good and do something for them to show you care.
Perform random acts of kindness. By a dozen roses at the grocery store and then stand outside and pass them out to random ladies as they leave the store. Place some change in various vending machines. Pay for the car behind you in the drive-through. Hold the door open for someone, smile at everyone, look for opportunities to just be kind.
Adopt an angel. Uncle Jim and Aunt Sally have enough stuff. Use the money you would have spent on gifts for them for a needy child instead. Then let your dear aunt and uncle know what you did. I think they’ll love it.
Pack a basket of food for Christmas dinner for a needy family. If you’re not sure where to find such a family, ask your pastor or call a local ministry for a reference.
Take your family Christmas caroling. It doesn’t matter so much where – in your neighborhood, a nursing home, or group home for children. Just sing about Jesus.
Donate unwanted clothes and toys. Decide which toys your children no longer enjoy, and box up the clothing that they have outgrown. Then donate them to a local charity or church.
Make Christmas cards and/or small gifts with your kids for the children who are in the hospital this month. Call ahead to find out where you drop them off.
Call your local soup kitchen to find out when your family can serve. Or organize a canned food drive to donate to the soup kitchen.
Truly, the only way to capture the Christmas spirit is to take your mind off yourself and just focus on serving others for awhile — point all that you think and do toward Jesus. Be the hands and feet of the Christ child. The blessings will abound, both for you and for those who receive your love and service this Christmas season.