2011 is now in the past. 2012 is freshly upon us, staring us in the face, waiting to see what we’ll do with it. But before we take on the challenges of the new year, I wanted to take a moment to look back at this past one. Not to dwell on it, just to remember a few fun or impactful moments. Come join me on a trip down memory lane, won’t you?
In January, Ben and I began the year with gratitude and a challenge.
In February, we celebrated Heartschooling Day.
In March, a natural disaster took our homeschool week off course, in a good way.
In April, I re-evaluated my priorities.
In May, we took an Extreme Homeschool Field Trip and watched history come alive! —Day1, Day 2, and Day 3.
In June, our family spent some time reading, relaxing, and hanging out at the beach.
In July, I took a short-lived stab at becoming vegan to help with my Lupus symptoms.
In August, I got a heart-wrenching lesson in love.
In September, Ben was stung by a wasp, but that didn’t keep us from having fun with our Nature Club! We also took a friend with us on a trip to Nashville!
In October, we had great fun picking apples!
In November, our lives were changed forever, but we were left with the memory of her smile.
And in December, we looked for joy in the season, despite our sadness and my boy celebrated a birthday of his own.
Bring on 2012, we are ready for some new adventures!