Time is winding down to get those Buckets of Hope for Haiti finished and delivered to your local state Baptist convention drop-off site. Ben and I really enjoyed putting these together. This service project was timely considering our Lenten study with a focus on the world hunger crisis.
If you’re not familiar, a “Bucket of Hope” consists of a plastic five-gallon bucket packed with selected food items. For approximately $25-30 you can purchase the food and bucket to assemble a “Bucket of Hope.” The food contained in each bucket will feed a Haitian family for one week. You are also requested to include a $10 cash donation to cover the cost of transporting the buckets to Haiti. The cash can be place in an envelope and taped to the top of the bucket.
Buckets must be filled with the specific items listed. You’ll need to follow the instructions given very carefully in order to purchase the correct foods and fit them into the bucket, so that the buckets get through customs quickly and into the hands of the Haitian people as soon as possible.
Contact your Baptist state convention for instructions and delivery dates. What an awesome opportunity to live out Matthew 25:37-40:
“then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you?’…….the King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.”
Here are a few pictures of the Buckets of Hope collected by our church this week.