September 17, 2010 is the 223rd anniversary of our nation’s founding document, The Constitution. Since Ben absolutely loves anything to do with government history, we’re taking this week and next to focus on this topic. Our spine for this study with be the Download N Go title, Constitution Celebration. We’re heading back to Washington DC soon as well, so this will be a great time to learn more about our nation’s history.
Here are a few books I’ve pulled off our bookshelves to go along:
We the Kids: The Preamble to the Constitution of the United States
A More Perfect Union: The Story of Our Constitution
If You Were There When They Signed the Constitution
Exploring American History (chapters 14 and 15)
American Pioneers and Patriots (unit 6)
Time for Kids: Benjamin Franklin
Ben Franklin and the Magic Squares
Benjamin Franklin
Ben and Me
Amazing Ben Franklin Inventions You Can Build Yourself
George Washington and the General’s Dog
George Washington’s Breakfast
History Pockets: Colonial America
Draw Write Now, Book Five