I’ve been sharing our week of fun in several blog posts, but I thought I would anchor Friday Fun School with this one . . . and share with you, a few of my favorite things from our week in South Carolina.
Reminders that freedom is never free . . .
And for every hero we honor, there are many who are never honored, simply because there are no witnesses left to tell their stories.
Beautiful hands, creating . . .
beautiful works of art.
Nothing, and I do mean nothing, is better than New York style pepperoni pizza and Orange Crush.
Swinging on the moon . . .
and eating a Moon Pie.
A lovely park where you can be a statue if you wish . . .
But if you look up, you might get a cool surprise.
Learning about cotton . . .
is a hands-on experience . . .
but boll weevils are definitely hands-off!
A rainbow of gorgeous, old homes . . .
and dreams of moving in.
Enjoying God’s amazing creation in the spring flowers . . .
a 1500 year old oak tree, with branches like the wings of an angel . . .
little albino squirrels scurrying about . . .
and the enormity of the Atlantic ocean.
Root beer floats at America’s biggest (or is that busiest?) Sonic Drive-in . . . in small town U. S. A. –Hartsville, SC.
The greatest blessing (and the most fun!) of all . . . time with sweet friends.
And after leaving, missing them already, the gift of driving with these views . . .
and arriving safely home.