It just dawned on me that Easter is less than 2 weeks away and I had not even begun to make plans for Easter week! So I sat down tonight and looked around at a few websites and came up with a tentative plan for our Easter Study. I think I’ve managed to put together a fun unit, with the focus on the true meaning of Easter.
Each day will begin with a Bible reading, followed by a book, and then a craft or other activity. I found with my Advent study, that less is definitely more! Our study will begin on Palm Sunday (March 16) and end, of course, on Resurrection Sunday (Easter, March 23). We’ll also be putting together the Easter lapbook from Hands of a Child.
Palm Sunday
Bible: Mark 11:1-11
Book: The Colt and the King
Craft/Activity: Palm frond collage
Monday: Jesus Clears the Temple
Bible: Mark 11:12-19
Craft/Activity: plant seeds in egg cartons
Tuesday: The Most Important Commandment
Bible: Mark 12:28-31
Book: The Parable of the Lily
Craft/Activity: make a handprint lily, deliver real Easter Lilies to friends
Wednesday: Jesus Visits Martha and Mary
Bible: Mark 14:1-10
Craft/Activity: make bath salts
Thursday: The Last Supper
Bible: Mark 14:12-47
Book: The Very First Easter
Craft/Activity: baked unleavened bread, deliver bath salts to neighbors, wash each other’s feet
Friday: The Crucifixion
Bible: Mark 14:48-72, 15:1-40
Craft/Activity: stained-glass cross
Saturday: Jesus is the Light
Bible: Isaiah 9:2, Matthew 4:16, Isaiah 60, Matthew5:14, 5:16, John 8:12, 12:46, Matthew 5:14, John 8:12
Craft/Activity: dye Easter eggs
Sunday: He Is Risen!
Bible: Mark 16:1-19
Book: Benjamin’s Box
Craft/Activity: Resurrection biscuits, Resurrection eggs, Easter basket