Last year, I was introduced to a ministry, March Forth Family, founded and led by Tom and Julie Meekins. March Forth Family seeks to:
. . . dedicate the rest of our professional lives to helping families navigate the scary world of raising a challenging child. What we did made a significant difference in the lives of our children and countless other children — we are committed to bringing that to other families.
To that end, they recently began a webinar series, Help Your Child with Challenges. I am excited to be joining them as I seek for ways to serve Ben better. Our days of managing ADHD and puberty can be pretty stressful. I am hopeful that Tim and Julie can help us navigate the coming months (and years) much more effectively!
If you are:
- raising a melt-down king or a drama queen
- wondering why your child is not fitting in with his peers
- looking for strategies to help your child get organized
- wondering why your child doesn’t want to wear clothing or will only wear sweats
If YOUR child:
- has trouble transitioning from one activity to another
- has been given a label: ADD, ADHD, OCD, Executive Functioning Disorder
- has Dyslexia, Autism, Aspergers or some other label
- has trouble following directions
- needs help with math and/or reading or other academics
- seems to have a very short fuse
- is very bright but lacks social skills
- has trouble getting along with people
And you would like hands-on, life-changing, make-a-difference tips and action steps to help your child, then I think you will likely benefit from this Webinar Series.
Help Your Child with Challenges began last week, but the series of classes is being recorded, so you can still jump in. They will not always be available though, so don’t delay getting started. You only need to make three telephone calls or listen over your computer (or listen to the recordings) and join a Facebook group.
Hope to see you there! To learn more about Tim and Julie, click here.
And then watch my blog I share some of the ways we are implementing the information learned from this webinar series.