In my life this week…
We’ve completed our first 2 weeks of school and I. am. exhausted. Ben is challenging me a bit, which I suppose is to be expected, but I think I underestimated (forgot?) how bad the first couple of week could be.
For 2 years, Ben has taken medication for ADHD, but this summer I felt led to ween him off that med and begin a more homeopathic regimen. He’s doing fairly well, but I do think some changes in how we run our homeschool will help. To that end, I’ve instituted some new ways of doing things and I think it will take a bit for him to catch on to the changes.
In our homeschool this week…
We began our first day of the week with a “not-back-to-school” celebration with friends. IHOP and Bass Pro Shop. It was fabulous!
We are not at full schedule yet, but we’re close. We still need to add in science. Ben took one look at the science I had selected and voiced strong disapproval (I’m pretty sure we talked about it before, but whatever, right?). He really, really wants to do Chemistry, so I ordered Christian Kids Explore Chemistry, along with this simple chemistry kit. I’m hopeful this curriculum won’t be too above his head (I’ve heard it can be challenging), but if it is, we’ll just focus on the experiments!
The most exciting part of our week was the beginning of Friday Fun School! I hope you’ll come join us! Next week, we’ll begin linking up!
Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…
If that fancy curriculum you bought isn’t working, even in week 2, ditch it. It’s not worth it!
I am inspired by…
I am inspired by Ben. Every day. He works so hard to overcome his challenges. His heart is pure, even when his actions don’t show it. This child has gone from swallowing one tiny pill a day, to taking array of supplements . . . horse pills really. But he wants so much be the best he can be, that he just grins (or sometimes grimaces) and bears it. I’m so proud of him!
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
We’ve got some exciting extracurricular activities this year. Some are repeats of previous years, like soccer and AWANA,and others are new, like an afternoon co-op twice a year for IEW class and a class about missionaries. Twice a month, Ben will also be square-dancing, one week for practice, the other at local nursing homes. He absolutely loves the square dancing so far. And he’s a natural with older residents at the nursing home. This is one time his outgoing nature will really pay off!
My favorite thing this week was…
Slowing things down for our Friday Fun School was really what we both needed after working hard (and butting heads) for 2 weeks. I think it really reset us for the upcoming week.
Questions/thoughts I have…
How much longer until Ben really settles in to the new routine? I need it to be now!
Things I’m working on…
I’m writing a unit study on Kentucky history. I’m also working hard at getting back to being more strict with my vegan diet. I began that 2 months ago to treat my Lupus symptoms, but kinda petered out after about a month. My symptoms were improving, but now I’m having quite a bit of pain again. I really wish Tom and Ben would come along with me on this journey, but my self-proclaimed “carnivores” are not too interested in what kind of hummus I’m making next.
I’m reading…
I just finished The Help. I really enjoyed the book, until I got to the ending. It ended rather abruptly and left me with some questions. I’m wondering if a sequel is coming….
I’ll be seeing the movie with a couple of girlfriends next week. I can’t wait to see these characters come to life!
I’m grateful for…
I have much to be grateful for. Of course, the right, ability, and inspiration to homeschool ranks up there right now. Even in these difficult first few weeks, I know that I am right where I’m supposed to be, doing exactly what I was meant to do. There’s not much better to be thankful for than that.
I’m praying for…
My friend’s sister delivered a baby girl yesterday at just 23 1/2 weeks. I’m praying for Josie constantly. I know the family would appreciate your prayers as well.
A photo , video, link, or quote to share…