In my life this week…
Lupus, bronchitis, and not much school getting done. That’s been my life this week.
The bright spot? There were two.
My husband and I celebrated our 14th anniversary by dining at our favorite restaurant. I wish I had felt better though. I was pretty groggy from cough syrup. Dinner was yummy though and it’s hard to believe we’ve been married for 14 years!
The other joy of the week was beginning meeting with my 2 bestest girlfriends for accountability. What an amazing time of fellowship, sharing, and prayer we had. There were tears (mine!), and laughter and sobering reminders of whose we are.
We followed up our time together by seeing the movie, The Help. More tears, more laughter, and more sobering reminders of whose we are. Go see it. But read the book first. It’s better.
In our homeschool this week…
Ben spent most of the week with Nana, spending 2 nights and most of 3 days with her. Not much school was accomplished, but that’s ok. We’ll be back on track come Monday morning. Our new science book, Christian Kids Explore Chemistry, and our little chemistry set arrived yesterday. We can’t wait to get started with it next week!
Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…
I’d like to ask for a helpful homeschooling tip or advice here. Do you have any? Please share in the comments. If you happen to be homeschooling a gifted, ADHD, 10-year old boy, all the better.
I am inspired by…
My sweet friends, Denise and Kristina. They are amazing mothers, wives, and the best girlfriends. They love Jesus and it shows. They encourage me and pray for me and listen to me. I can’t imagine my life without them. Love you, girls.
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
We’re staying home. Upward Soccer and Awana do start back next week though.
My favorite thing this week was…
Ben made himself lunch yesterday because I wasn’t feeling well. And he made a Chef Salad, complete with bleu cheese dressing. I loved that.
Questions/thoughts I have…
I am growing. I am growing in patience, grace, and humility. And forgiveness. We must not foget forgiveness. Praise be to God for lessons to be learned and the creative ways in which He teaches me, in all areas of my life….as a mom, wife, friend, daughter, neighbor. Who knew God uses a unit study approach, too?
Things I’m working on…
Relationships. With everyone. All of my most meaningful relationships could use some time and focus.
I’m reading…
How Should We Then Live by Francis Schaeffer
I’m grateful for…
I am grateful for my Kindle 🙂
I’m praying for…
Ben is still very challenging. I love his heart and I know he has a desire to be compliant and obedient. His brain just sometimes takes a detour. I am praying for ways to help and for scripture to pour over him.
A photo , video, link, or quote to share…
Ben’s salad |