If you’ve been homeschooling (or even parenting) for very long, you may find yourself struggling with your calling some days. There are a lot of voices out there vying for your attention, placing seeds of doubt, and trying to tantalize you away from this paramount role. There’s rarely a week that goes by that one of you doesn’t email me, sharing your doubts about your ability to homeschool.
I feel for you.
I have been you.
How to Be Brave Like Esther
The role of homeschool mom is not for the faint of heart. But I’d like to encourage you on this greater calling on a mom’s life. And I’ll do this by contrasting you with one of my favorite women from the Bible . . . Esther.
God Esther, God Chose You
Indeed, God chose you for this very role. He called you to it. In the same way He chose Esther to help with the management and legal care over His people (children), He chose you for a similar role for yours.
He chose you to live during this time in history, and He placed you right where He wants you to be. He chose you to parent your children—whether knitted within your womb or within your heart. And he chose you to be their primary teacher. Whatever the circumstances, the challenges, the joys—He invites you into a relationship with Him to share this journey. He has placed HIS precious little ones into your care to manage and have legal care over. For His purpose. And for His glory. For such a time as this.
God Called Esther to Bravery, God Calls You to Bravery
During a time of unrest, God called Esther to be brave. He wanted to work in and through her for the purpose of saving His children from peril. As the plot thickened with wicked Haman’s intentions, Esther’s courage and boldness was a necessity.
Homeschooling mom, it’s not much different for you.
In our culture, there’s a spirit of Haman rising against God’s people. And He’s calling you, His hands that rock the cradle, His feet that carry the Gospel, to be brave. Additionally, He’s calling you to rise with a courage and boldness that will raise your children in righteousness. For the sake of these children placed in your care, He also calls you to homeschool them.
God Equipped Esther, God Equips You
Did Esther ever feel scared, frustrated, discouraged, attacked? Of course she did! Did she seek God for counsel about what to do? She surely did.
But because she was willing to overcome fear and seek His face, He gave her wisdom.
Are you feeling unequipped for the role that you’re in? Scared? Frustrated? Discouraged? Attacked even?
If so, then you’re in the perfect place to seek God for counsel and overcome your fear.
And He, being the faithful Heavenly Father and Sovereign King that He is, will give you the wisdom that you need. He’ll give you the courage and strength that you need in the very moments you need it.
Esther Stepped Out in Faith, Will You Step Out In Faith?
Because of Esther’s faith, God used her as a catalyst to save her people. Indeed, Esther found that she needed to step out in faith more than once in order to save her people.
Likewise, there may be many times during the course of your homeschool journey that God will ask you to step out in faith to save your people — your children — from the Hamans of the world. Because God wants you to rely on Him one hundred percent.
With this in mind, know that He is choosing you to be a catalyst to save the children He has entrusted to your care. Teach them about His Providence. Instill in them that He loves them, cares for them, and offers them salvation through His Son, Jesus Christ.
Undoubtedly, you’re aware of the many plots against the children. As you step out in faith to homeschool your children—despite the ensuing wickedness—you can embrace your role wholeheartedly. You can step out in faith knowing that God has chosen you for such a time as this.
Still Having Doubts?
Bravery and faith—not exactly sure what this is supposed to look like? Here’s quick little Word study for you.
Webster’s 1828 Dictionary is the only biblical worldview dictionary, so we’ll be consulting it:
Let’s look at the word FAITH. Faith is the belief; the assent of the mind to the truth of what is declared by another, resting on his authority and veracity, without other evidence.
In relation to faith, here are Bible verses for you to look up and journal about: Hebrews 11:1; Psalm 46:10; Romans 10:17; 2 Corinthians 5:7; Hebrews 11:6, Matthew 11:22-24.
Now ask yourself these questions:
- What is faith?
- What do I need to do?
- How does faith come?
- What am I as a Christian walk by?
- What must I believe?
- Who and what am I to have faith in? What is the promise?
Next, let’s look at the word, BRAVE. Brave means courageous, bold, daring. intrepid, fearless of danger, as a brave warrior. It usually unites the sense of courage with generosity and dignity of mind; qualities often united.
Here are a few Bible verses you can study regarding being brave: Deut. 31:6, 1 Chronicles 28:20, Ephesians 6:10, Psalm 27:1, Psalm 56:3-4, 2 Timothy 1:7.
Now ask yourself these questions:
- What does it mean to be brave?
- Why do I need to be brave?
- How does courage come?
- How am I to be a brave warrior?
- How is bravery related to faith?
- How will being brave serve my children?
Now, please read through the book of Esther and jot down every time you see that she did the above things. And remember, the internal will give rise to the external. That’s the biblical principle we learn through this study.
A Daily Reminder to Be Brave Like Esther
I was recently approached by a new-to-me company. I frequently receive requests from folks who believe I may be a good fit for their brand and want me to promote their product. For every request I agree to consider, there are dozens I don’t. But a request on behalf of Holly Lane Christian Jewelry landed in my inbox, I was excited as soon as I clicked over to their website and started looking at the beautiful pieces.
They let me choose a necklace, and when I saw the Esther necklace, I knew I had to have that one. Before I show you how gorgeous this necklace is and how stunning the packaging is, let me tell you a little about Holly Lane Christian Jewelry.
Holly Lane jewelry is meant to reflect your personal faith and give you the opportunity to share Christ with others. Made of sterling silver, and accented with semiprecious gemstones, each piece is designed in Virginia by jewelry artist Tiffany Scott. Take a peek at how Holly Lane jewelry is made.
Each design is based on a verse from the Bible, and each piece of jewelry is shipped with a Story Card that features the Scripture verse on the front and an explanation of the design on the back.
The Esther necklace I received has a gorgeous geometric pendant with a flower radiating from the center over a Star of David. It is meant to represent Esther’s beauty and influence as well as her heritage and faith. It’s also adorned with silver beads and freshwater pearls, along with an amethyst to represent Esther’s royal position. I put it on the day I received it and have yet to take it off. Each year, I choose “my one word” for the year, and for 2020, my word will be BRAVE. I can’t imaging a more beautiful reminder for me.
Each piece of jewelry comes specially packaged, showing how deeply significant and precious both the gift and its recipient is. I made a little slideshow video of pictures I took as I unboxed my Esther necklace.