No, seriously….it did. On Sunday, for several hours, we experienced howling winds, up to 75mph. Most of the city lost power, including us. Over 250,000 homes are still without power. Fortunately for us, we live about 1/2 mile from Valhalla, where the Ryder Cup is being held this week. I think that may have put us on the priority list, because our power was restored after only 24 hours. They’re saying 10-14 days for most. Talk about priorities.
Driving around the city, seeing all the downed power lines, fallen limbs, uprooted trees makes me sad for those in Texas who really got smacked by Ike. At least we only had wind, no rain. I can’t imagine the devastation there. It seems that area of the country was just finally getting back to some semblance of normalcy after Katrina, now Ike has hit.
It troubles me. It makes me want to do something. I pray. I give monetarily. But it doesn’t seem to be enough. Tomorrow, my life will continue as usual, the status quo, you know. Minus a few pounds of meat, a few bags of frozen veggies, a gallon of milk. But it will go on mostly as though nothing has happened. Something doesn’t seem right about that. But how should it be different? What else do I do?
On a happy note, my camera has been found! So now I can upload some pictures of what we’ve been doing in school for the past several weeks. I’m recovering from some minor surgery at present, but as soon as I’m back to my normal self, I have a lot of catching up to do (and yes, I’m aware that’s not the first time I’ve said that!).