Silly, simple, fun. No fancy cameras. No ISO. No aperture. No shutter speed. Just whatever camera you have built into your phone. Or for me — iPad or iPod Touch.
We’ve had a busy week, filled with food, fun, friends, and a special delivery. Take a peek at our week in instaphotos.
On Saturday, we attended the wedding of a friend from Dad’s work. Here’s the lovely bride . . . and her shoes. Her feet were killing her! And no wonder. Those heels were almost as tall as she is!
A trip to Costco this week yielded some yummy fruit. Who doesn’t love watermelon season?
While I enjoy a nice, cold slice of watermelon myself, some days a girl just needs a non-fat, decaf, iced caramel macchiato with extra caramel!
My little stargazer. Or is that moongazer?
Our local homeschool group’s book swap was today. I have no idea how many people were there, but there were a lot!. It was a gorgeous day to spend time with friends and talk about homeschooling. The good news is I came home with more money than I left with. The bad news is I came home with stuff that didn’t sell. Watch for a blog post with some great items for sale early next week!
Speaking of friends . . . I received a special delivery this week from a sweet friend — two Kwanzan Cherry trees to plant in celebration of my Mom’s life. Mom went Home 7 months ago and having these lovely trees to remember her is just precious to me.
And finally, Ben informed me that we have way too many pics of him and not nearly enough of me. So, while I’m not a huge fan of having my picture taken, he shot a few in the car on the way to the wedding. This one was his favorite, so it’s my new profile pic.
I am embracing the crow’s feet.
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