In some ways, juice fasting is easy. If it’s not in your mind to eat at all for a period of time, you don’t have to think about when to juice or how often. You just juice.
But you can’t fast forever, and when you’re attempting to make juicing a part of your life along with eating, it can be more challenging. It’s easier to just grab a quick bite to eat than it is to make sure you have juicing veggies and fruits on hand, drag out the juicer, make juice, clean up, etc.
Here are a few ideas for how to incorporate juicing into your life in a consistent (though not always daily) basis.
Juice one meal a day.
It doesn’t have to be breakfast either. Think about which meal is the least rushed for you. If you tend to have leisurely mornings, then breakfast is a great idea. And juicing is a wonderful way to start your day. But if you’re often rushing out the door to get to work or take the kids to school, then choosing breakfast may set you up for failure. Perhaps dinner would be better, after the busyness of the day is done and you have time to juice and clean up, while making dinner for your family.
Juice fast a couple of days in a row every week.
This is my favorite option. I sometimes just choose a couple of days a week and completely fast for those 2-3 days. It’s like a mini-cleanse once a week and I feel like I’ve beefed up my immune system for the rest of the week. I generally choose to fast Monday and Tuesday.
Juice fast every other day.
For those of you who don’t really want to suffer the effects of fasting 2-3 days in a row, trying fasting every other day. You still have the benefit of focusing on juicing for one day at a time, without feeling deprived of food for 2 or 3 days.
Juice fast for 7 days each month.
This is a great option for regular detox. Seven days is a good amount of time to really rid your body of unwanted toxins, but not so long that it’s unmanageable once a month.
Do one of these options sound doable for you? How are you incorporating juicing into your life on a consistent basis?