I was given this lovely award by my friend, Heather, at Special Needs Homeschooling, last week, but I’ve just now found a few minutes to sit down and blog about it. Thank you, friend!
As a recipient of this award, I have been asked to do a few things:
- Thank the one who gave it to me and link to her blog
- Share 7 things about myself
- Choose 7 others to bless with this award and tell them they have won
I’ve thanked Heather. So now for the hardest part, talking about myself.
1. I was born in Miami Beach, Florida, grew up in rural Arkansas, and now live in Louisville, Kentucky. I consider Louisville to be home.
2. I wanted at least 5 children, but spent 4 years in grueling infertility treatments before God blessed me with Ben, through adoption. I’m so grateful for him, he made me a momma!
3. I’m an RN, but my current job is doing social media marketing/research for a homeschool curriculum (yep, I get paid to play on Facebook). What a blessing to get to work from home!
4. My favorite color is yellow, it’s just so sunny and bright!
5. I was abducted at age 6, while still living in Miami. Thankfully I was returned safely home within one day.
6. I dream of selling my house, putting my belongings in storage, and traveling for 2-3 years in an RV. Unfortunately, my husband does not share the vision.
7. I would rather the spend the day outdoors, whether at the beach or in the mountains. All I need is a good book and a tall glass of sweet tea.
And now for the best part, getting to bless others!
Kim, at Night Owl Notions. Kim is a brand new blogger, but I can already tell her blog is going to be one of my favorites. She’s so witty, and such a fun momma!
Tina, at Seasons of Learning. Tina is one of my favorite bloggers. She always has such inspirational thoughts, but when things aren’t going so well, she is brutally honest about it. I like that in a homeschool mom.
Candace at His Mercy is New. Who doesn’t love Candace’s blog? If you want to watch the growth of a child of God as she works through personal struggles, all while doing everything possible to become all God wants her to be, you’ll want to visit His Mercy is New….often.
Ami at Walking by the Way. Need inspiration for totschooling? It’s on Ami’s blog. Need ideas for your next unit study or lapbook? It’s on Ami’s blog. Just looking for fantastic pictures of the life of homeschoolers? They’re on Ami’s blog, too. Trust me, go visit. You’ll love Ami’s blog.
Jen at Adventures in Unsell Land. Life is never dull in Unsell Land. I’m amazed at how much incredible stuff gets done there. And if you’re looking for a review on the latest in Christian fiction or homeschoool curricula, Jen’s probably written one!
Becky at Life with Lots of Lees. The title of Becky’s blog is no misnomer. Homeschooling mom of 12, with #13 on the way, Becky is a busy lady. Four of her beautiful kids recently joined the Lee family through Ethiopian adoption. If you are interested in adopting from Ethiopia, Becky has chronicled her family’s journey, and continues to honestly express the ups and downs of homeschooling with lots of Lees.
Shanna at Learning at His Feet. Another mom of many, Shanna’s blog is an awesome combination of life homeschooling her 7 kiddos, curriculum reviews, and crafting with yarn (I have no idea where she finds the time!). You’ll enjoy Shanna’s sweet nature coming through her blog as well.
Happy Sunshine, friends!