Big IQ Kids is an online learning academy with daily lessons in spelling, vocabulary, math, and U.S. Geography for grades K-8. There are also gaming incentives for completing each lesson. The more lessons completed, the options for games.
The program is customizable and provides for mastery of each subject before moving on.
The Spelling Program contains quizzes, spelling bees, spelling tests, and fun spelling games all customized to the ability of your child.
With the Vocabulary Program, you can use their graded word lists or create your own, to build vocabulary and/or prepare for standardized testing.
The Math Program uses a mastery approach to help increase your child’s skills in basic math facts.
The U.S. States Program teaches the location, capital, and abbreviation, as well as landmarks and facts about each state.
There are also ebooks written for ages 8-12. I did not find these appropriate for our family, so Ben did not read them.
I found Big IQ Kids especially helpful for the Math Program. I am always looking for for ways to increase Ben’s math skills, since this is the one area in which he struggles. Ben found this interactive program fun and the games incentives encouraged him to continue working at problem areas until he succeeded. I liked that I could customize the program so that he was getting extra practice in skills he was already working on in our usual math curriculum. Because it is a mastery program, Ben has been able to get a lot of practice in problem areas, while zooming right through the areas in which he struggles.
We also used Big IQ Kids during a week we were traveling with Dad and didn’t want to bring along a lot of school work. Being able to log into the site from our laptop, in a hotel room, was a blessing. While not a complete homeschool curriculum, it did provide for a couple of hours here and there of work that I felt comfortable calling “school.” I would not consider it a complete curriculum for every day though, more of a supplement to your usual curriculum, for added study.
There are several different options for membership. You can begin with a Free Membership, and upgrade later, if desired. The Premium Membership costs range from $19.99/month to $99.99/year. You can also purchase membership to individual subjects for about $7.99/month. This is a nice benefit if you only wish to supplement math, for instance.
Overall, Ben enjoys Big IQ Kids, and I like having something extra for him to use to supplement our usual curriculum. It’s also nice to have something that can be done independently. If you are looking for the same, I don’t think you’ll be disappointed with this program.
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Disclaimer: As a member of the TOS Crew, I received this product, at no cost to me, in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are those of myself and/or my son.