I’ve often said that math is the bain of my homeschool existence. Not being particularly fond of it myself, and then having a child that has hated it even more than I, it’s always a struggle to get through the day when we are struggling through more math.
To be honest, when I saw we were going to have to review a math program, I sighed a little. We’ve finally begun making some headway toward tolerating math, with a recent change to our curriculum. I really dreaded the possibility that the progress we had made might be thwarted with another bad math experience.
I’m delighted to say that not only has our experience with Ten Marks not thwarted our progress, it has actually helped move us closer to our my goal of learning to like math.
Ten Marks has turned out to be a great match for Ben. First of all, it’s an online program, taught with videos. Perfect! Secondly, each daily “worksheet” only has 10 questions. Wonderful! Next, the program offers immediate feedback with a chance to correct any missed questions. Excellent! And lastly, there’s the bonus of some online games earned when worksheets are completed. Brilliant! Ben has actually gone ahead a few worksheets so that he can earn more points to get access to more games! They call this “fast-tracking” and it was a huge hit.
The other thing that Ben really appreciated is that Ten Marks doesn’t beat concepts into the ground. Once each skill is mastered, it’s quick to move on to the next concept. If there is one thing Ben cannot tolerate, it’s having to do something over and over and over again, once he’s mastered it. On the flip side of that, if a child is having trouble mastering a concept, the program generates more lessons to continue with that particular concept, until it is mastered.
Ten Marks is very affordable and offers a money back guarantee. You can pay $10 per student per month, $49 for 6 months or $89 for one year. You can even try it free.
Ben has requested we continue using it for the rest of the school year. For a child who’s not fond of math, I’d say that’s the equivalent of 2 thumbs up! So we will continue using it to supplement our regular math program, thought I do think you could use it as your sole curriculum. I figure since I now have 2 programs in math that Ben is tolerating well, why waste either!
Disclaimer: As a member of the TOS Crew, I received this product, at no cost to me, in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are those of myself and/or my son.