Back last summer, I was honored when The Old Schoolhouse Magazine asked if I would consider writing an article for the much anticipated Print Edition that is published just once a year. I was told that the issue would focus on homeschool methods. Because unit studies have been the foundation of our our homeschool for many years, it seemed like a no-brainer that I would write about how to use unit studies.
The digital edition of this issue is now available, so I wanted to share my article with you. You can read it by clicking here, or if you have the free TOS app, you’ll find it beginning on page 54.
In it, I share what is a unit study, why I believe they are a great way to homeschool, and how you can create unit studies for your homeschool. I hope you will find it a convenient, usable, encouraging article.
Get the TOS app for iOS, Android, Amazon Fire, or Nook. You can order the Print magazine here, or find it in Barnes & Noble, Target, Books-a-Million, Piggly Wiggly, Kroger, A&P, Hastings, and other retail outlets.
While you have the magazine open, be sure to read these articles, too. I found them particularly insightful and helpful.
Prepare your Middle School Writers for High School by Sharon Watson (page 109)
Prepare Your Teens for Their Future through Electives by Carol Topp (page 104)
Don’t Forget the 10 Essentials When Homeschooling High School by Lee Binz (page 150)
Science Help for High School by Bonnie Rose Hudson and Steve Rosenoff (page 161)
Awaken to the World of Ideas by Stacy Farrell (page 152)
Teaching Timed Writing: Beyond the SAT by Kim Kautzer (page 172)
Is It Really ADD by Dianne Craft (page 198)
Product Reviews compiled by Kate Kessler (page 206)
If you found this post helpful, you might also enjoy Homeschooling with Unit Studies in High School.