We were supposed to start our snow unit study last Monday, but it was 70 degrees outside. Katy and the Big Snow would have to wait. Instead we did some 3Rs and then spent the rest of the day with some friends at the park.
The boys rode scooters and skateboards, shot some hoops, played with light sabers, and had a grand time. The unseasonably warm weather continued most of the week. We had a great time, but deep down were wishing we had some snow!
Well this morning, we woke up to a light dusting, maybe an inch, of snow on the ground! Ben was so excited. He got dressed right away and went out to play. When he came in, I had a fire going and some hot chocolate to warm him up.
After he warmed up and we had breakfast, we sat down with Katy and the Big Snow, our Five in a Row (FIAR) book for this week. We managed to do a couple of FIAR lessons and some 3Rs in between Ben running back out to play in the snow. He even built a model Geoppolis (the make-believe city in Katy) with his Legos. He also memorized the first stanza of Robert Frost’s poem, Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening.
All in all it’s been a great day. One of those “I’m so glad we use FIAR” kind of days. The snow was definitely icing on the cake! And more is expected later in the week. I can’t tell you how excited Ben is about that!