In my life this week…
This year’s TOS Homeschool Crew is in full swing! I wrote 2 reviews this week. You can read them here and here. I have several more reviews in process. It’s starting off with a bang and will likely continue that way, but the products we’re getting this year are amazing! It’s gonna be a great year!
Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…
No matter what curriculum you use, you can add fun to your week. Have a game day, try a unit study, bring out the messy art projects or explosive science experiments. Don’t be afraid to stray a bit from your usual curriculum!
I am inspired by…
Today I am inspired by Heather Laurie of Special Needs Homeschooling. Heather is stuggling physically with a horrible disease, called mitochondrial disease, as are her 5 children. In recent months she has had a stroke, a miscarriage, and the onset of seizures. The fact that she continues to homeschool (from a hospital bed in her living room) and offer support to other special needs mom is not only inspirational, it’s nothing sort of miraculous.
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
We had our first Nature Club meeting this week. We get together with 2 other families twice a month and focus on God’s wonderful creation. This week our focus was on creeks. I blogged about our day here: Dragonflies and Crawfish and Wasps . . . on my!
My favorite thing this week was…
Watching Ben overcome a wasp attack at the start of Nature Club, even though he was in pain and deathly afraid to go back to the creek. He simply was not going to let satan steal his joy, and he said so.
Questions/thoughts I have…
When will fall weather get here?!?!
Things I’m working on…
Keeping up, catching up, and getting ahead. Sleep, homeschool, reading, housework . . . I’m behind in it all! But God’s grace is sufficient and I will overcome my procrastination!
I’m reading…
How Should We Then Live by Francis Schaeffer
I’m grateful for…
I want to be grateful for fall weather. But it was 101 today. So instead, I am grateful for the sprinkler.
I’m praying for…
Just last night, I poured through scripture, finding verses to pray over my husband and son. I’ve not ever been very good at praying scripture, but I am praying for God’s leadings, because I really, really want to begin doing this.
A photo , video, link, or quote to share…
our Nature Club creek 🙂 |