If you’re not familiar with Common Core, you need to be. It is a federal education program that the government is paying states to ‘voluntarily’ implement. Bankrupt state governments are readily adopting. It was not supposed to affect private and home schools – yeah, right.
Well, it already is as major home school curriculum companies are taking the unprecedented action of voluntarily aligning their materials with Common Core national standards. It is outrageous that they would voluntarily do such a thing . . . but, in the end, it’s all about money. Expect more to follow suit.
To define the word “common,” Webster uses the following words and phrases: equal, belonging to the public, general, universal, usual, ordinary, of no rank or superior excellence, prostitute, lewd.
He defines “core” as “the heart or inner part.”
One of his definitions of “standard” is bone-chilling: “That which is established by sovereign power as a rule or measure by which others are to be adjusted.”
The name alone should be a red flag. Is this the “standard” we want for the hearts of our unique and individual children?
>Common Core academic standards are not research-based or even benchmarked. In English, for example, classic literature is replaced by heavy informational and nonfiction reading because it is believed this will better prepare the student for college . . . even though there is no empirical research to support this notion.
>The action further abdicates parental and state (already ceded by parents) authority for educational decisions, willingly handing them off to the federal government. The farther away these decisions are from the student, the less liberty we have in our children’s education. The children are treated as mass herds rather than as individuals – more socialism. Government tools, “useful idiots” are the product. Think modern generations.
> “Voluntary” always transitions to “mandatory” or “all that is available”– we will lose truth as God-honoring subject matter will be replaced with materials that support the national standards . . . you can’t print everything AND factual history will be inconsistent with those standards. What do you think will end up in the trash?
>Education is the preferred method for a government to push an agenda. In our case, a God-less one that opposes parental rights, freedoms, and choice.
For an action plan in your state and to learn more, refer to The Heritage Foundation: