1. For my own accountability. There seems to be nothing more pressing to me than the fact that my oldest child is nearing high school age. I feel like I still have so much to teach him and so little time. But somehow after I’m so exhausted from a full day teaching all those things to my oldest, my mind starts to play tricks on me and I suddenly start rationalizing that I have plenty of time to teach shapes and numbers to my pre-K student or letter sounds to my Kindergartner. But that’s just not true! My little ones need my time as their teacher just as much as my big ones do.
2. My little kids are the most excited to get the school day started! It never fails…if I start my day teaching an older child, I will have a young one pulling at my arm asking, “When is my turn to do school?!” When they get 30 minutes to an hour of my undivided attention early in the day, it is easier for them to play quietly later when I am working with big siblings.