I was buzzing around Amazon tonight, looking for Kindle freebies to share and I discovered something I think is fairly new — The Mystery of History Volume I on Kindle! It appears that for now only Volume I is being offered, and it’s offered in quarterly ebooks. I quickly downloaded the first ebook onto Ben’s Kindle. He will love it!
I’m sure most of you are familiar with The Mystery of History, but if not, this is the description from Amazon:
The Mystery of History, Volume I (Second Edition), spans “Creation to the Resurrection” (c. 4004 b.c.–c. a.d. 33) and provides a historically accurate, Bible-based approach to learning ancient world history. By incorporating hands-on activities along with reading, writing, and research projects, The Mystery of History offers something for all learning styles and supports all methods of education.
The Mystery of History is written with 4th-8th graders in mind and has been a favorite in our homeschool for many years. This is exciting stuff!
For Kindle, MoH Volumes I and II has been divided into quarterly ebooks, each containing 9 weeks of lessons. The first quarter is offered at a huge discount of $3.99, with subsequent quarterly ebooks priced at $9.99 each. The cost of the each entire paperback book is $49.95 from Bright Ideas Press (the publisher of The Mystery of History), so the Kindle version is quite a savings, plus for those who might struggle with paying the entire price up front, this is a great way to break it down into smaller payments and save on shipping. At $3.99 for the first quarter, even if you never buy the rest, you’ll have have 9 weeks of incredible living book history for just $3.99.
The Mystery of History, Volume I Quarter 1: Creation to the Resurrection — $3.99
The Mystery of History, Volume I Quarter 2: Creation to the Resurrection — $9.99
The Mystery of History, Volume I Quarter 3: Creation to the Ressurection — $9.99
The Mystery of History, Volume I Quarter 4: Creation to the Resurrection — $9.99
Each quarter of The Mystery of History, Volume I contains the lesson text found in the paperback version. To make a complete curriculum, they recommend using the Companion Guide, which contains:
—The Companion Weekly Pretests
—Hands-on and Research Activities for Younger, Middle, and Older Students
—“Memory Cards” (student-made flashcards)
—“Wall of Fame” Timeline Instructions
—Mapping Exercises (with outline maps and answer keys)
—Cumulative Quizzes, Exercises, and Games
—Quarterly Worksheets
—Semester Tests
—Lists of “Supplemental Books and Resources” (divided by topic, lesson, and age level)
—Student Notebook Guidelines
—Grade Record Sheet
Read these books on your Kindle or free Kindle Reading App, available for your smart phone, tablet, or computer.
July 9, 2015 Edited to Add:
Mystery of History Volume 2 is now also available for Kindle. Just like with Volume 1, the first quarter is just $3.99, with the other 3 quarters priced at $9.99 each. Right now, only quarters 1 and 2 are available. I will update the links below as quarters 3 and 4 become available.
The Mystery of History, Volume 2 Quarter 1: The Early Church and the Middle Ages
— $3.99
The Mystery of History, Volume 2 Quarter 2: The Early Church and the Middle Ages
— $9.99
The Mystery of History, Volume 2 Quarter 3: The Early Church and the Middle Ages
— $9.99
The Mystery of History, Volume 2 Quarter 4: The Early Church and the Middle Ages
— $9.99