Just call me a Charlotte Masonite. I’m getting there. I’ve always used a literature-based approach to homeschooling. And within most of our units there’s some nature study. And now and then we do look at art books, and listen to classical music, or memorize a poem. But I really, really want to make a concerted effort to do much more of all of these things.
Tonight, I spent some time reading through Cindy West’s blog, Our Journey Westward, as well as her Shining Dawn Books. I was looking through Cindy’s nature studies and happened upon her list of artists, composers, and poetry to go along with each unit. Because we’re during the Olympics unit study right now, I was drawn to her Snow and Ice study and started looking through the list of poetry to go along. I found this poem by Robert Louis Stevenson, and I think, starting tomorrow, I’ll have Ben write it as copywork, as well as memorize it. Artists and Composers are sure to follow soon.
by Robert Louis Stevenson
Late lies the wintry sun a-bed
A frosty, fiery sleepy-head;
Blinks but an hour or two; and then
A blood-red orange, sets again.
Before the stars have left the skies,
At morning in the dark I rise;
And shivering in my nakedness,
By the cold candle; bathe and dress.
Close by the jolly fire I sit
To warm my frozen bones a bit;
Or with a reindeer-sled, explore
The colder countries round the door.
When to go out, my nurse doth wrap
Me in my comforter and cap;
The cold wind burns my face, and blows
Its frosty pepper up my nose.
Black are my steps on silver sod;
Thick blows my frosty breath abroad;
And tree and house; and hill and lake,
Are frosted like a wedding cake.
Sounds a lot like Ben when it snows, doesn’t it? And hey, I’m even a nurse!