Today was Ben’s first day of First Grade. We had a wonderful day. It began with picture taking on the front porch. Last week, Ben picked out his “first day of school” outfit. So we took a picture on the front porch in that outfit holding our First Day of First Grade sign. Of course he wanted some silly face pictures after that!
After the picture-taking ceremony, we headed out to Waffle House for brunch. The server was nice enough to make a Mickey Mouse out of Ben’s waffle, which was a huge hit.
After we ate our wonderful waffles, he headed over to Half Price Books. Ben’s Nana had given him a gift card when he graduated from Kindergarten, so we thought today would be a great day to spend it. Ben chose 2 things. The first was a harmonica with CD and book. He grabbed that first thing, exclaiming, “I’m going to learn how to play Red River Valley!!” Not sure how many 6-year-old boys today even know the song, but it tickled me. He also chose a Spider sticker book. Ben was bitten by a spider earlier this summer and thus has developed a horrible fear of them. I think buying the sticker book was his way of trying to overcome that.
After our purchases, we headed home where we worked on an “All About Me” lapbook. In case anyone is interested, Ben weighs 47 pounds AND is 47 inches tall, his favorite color is red, his favorite food is Lemon Sorbet from Graeter’s, Alex is his best friend, and his favorite animal is the puppy.
After we finished the book, he practiced on his new harmonica and watched a couple episodes of Gilligan’s Island.
All in all a perfect first day of school I think.