I grew up in the Southern Baptist Church. Advent was not a word that I was familiar with though, until just a few years ago. Celebrating the Advent Season was not apart of the Christmas traditions in my home or in my church. But for my family today, it will be a tradition. I’ve been busily planning our study of Advent and Christmas. Ben and I are really excited! I found this advent calendar unit study online at and thought it was just perfect. It’s very meaty, way more there than we could possibly accomplish. But I read through each day and decided we would attempt to use a lot of it.
So today, I’ve been going through each day’s activities and choosing what we would learn and do and made a list, according to these categories:
Advent Wreath-lighting the candle Bible Verses-we’ll read these when lighting the Advent candle Words to Know-one or two vocabulary words related to the Bible verses Books to read aloud. One book we’ll be reading aloud each day isBartholomew’s Passage. This book is designed to be read throughout Advent. We’ll also be reading many picture books. Arts/Crafts-one project per day, Christmas ornaments or some other kind of decoration mostly. We may even set up a small Christmas tree in our family room to decorate with these projects. Christmas Carol or Hymn–we’ll listen to the songs throughout the day, hopefully Ben will learn the words to most of them Holiday Traditions/Symbols–we’ll learn how these traditions began. I’m also thinking of maybe doing the Christmas Symbols lapbook from Knowledge Box Central.
So the first thing I had to do was find an Advent Wreath. I found a Nativity Advent Wreath that I just fell in love with at and it is now on it’s way to my house! To be very honest, I had to do some research on the Advent wreath and the meaning of the different candles. Here, I’ll share what I found out.
The candles of the Advent Wreath include: The Hope (or Prophecy) Candle: This candle represents not only the Biblical prophecies about Christ’s birth, but the very feeling of anticipation which God’s people experienced over hundreds of years as they awaited His coming. Advent is a time when we can, in our own way, join the generations of God’s children in awaiting our Messiah. Of course, Advent encompasses both the arrival of the Christ child and His second glorious coming which is yet to occur!
The Peace (or Bethlehem) Candle: This candle represents the preparations made for the coming Christ child. Bethlehem is an appropriate place to signify preparation because, even though no room was available for Mary and Joseph when they came, God had orchestrated events so that Caesar Augustus called for a census to be taken. Joseph and Mary had to leave Nazareth so that they could register in Bethlehem and the Scriptures below were fulfilled!
The Joy (or Shepherds’) Candle: The shepherds represent the message of great joy that is brought to the world about Jesus’ birth!
The Love (or Angel) Candle: This candle represents the love which God shared with the world when He sent His Son, Jesus! Another theme for this week is sharing–the angels announced the birth of Christ to the shepherds and they shared it with others. The magi also left the baby Jesus and probably shared the wonderful news of the Savior with everyone they met! So this week, as we read through the story of Jesus’ birth from Luke 1 and 2 and light all four Advent candles, remember that the light of Christ can only shine brighter as it does on your Advent wreath if we SHARE the Good News of Jesus Christ with the world!
The Christ Candle: This white candle represents Christ! Our Messiah, Jesus, Light of the World is finally here!
I spent a good deal of time going through the Advent Calendar I mentioned above. I changed a few things around, added or subtracted some scripture, and substituted some different books, crafts, and hymns. And now I think I have the perfect schedule of activities for us. I hope you find it helpful and perhaps it will inspire you to plan some activities for this Season of Advent, a glorious time for us all to focus on the true meaning of Christmas.
Day 1 ~Advent Candle-Light the very first candle on the Advent wreath today–the Hope candle. ~Read the Bible Verses: Psalm 62:1-5, Isaiah 26:3, Isaiah 40:28-31, Hebrews 10:23 ~Word to Know: prophecy ~Books-begin Bartholomew’s Passage by Arnold Ytreeide (a passage of this book will be read each day of Advent when we light our advent candle), Waiting for Noel: An Advent Story by Ann Dixon ~Arts/Crafts-set up Nativity Advent Wreath ~Christmas Carol/Hymn-O Come O Come Emmanuel ~Holiday Tradition-Advent
Day 2 ~Advent Candle-Light the first candle, the Hope candle ~Read the Bible Verses: Isaiah 11:1-5, Jeremiah 23:5-6, Isaiah 53:1-6 ~Word to Know: righteousness ~Books-Why Christmas Trees Aren’t Perfect by Dick Schneider, The Legend of the Christmas Tree by Rick Osborne, The Pine Tree Parable by Liz Curtis Higgs, and Mr. Willowby’s Christmas Tree by Robert Barry ~Arts/Crafts-pinecone Christmas tree ornament ~Christmas Carol/Hymn-O Christmas Tree ~Holiday Tradition-The Christmas Tree
Day 3 ~Advent Candle-Light the first candle, the Hope candle ~Read the Bible Verses: Isaiah 42:1, 5-6, Isaiah 60:1-3, 19-22 ~Word to Know: light ~Books-The Light of Christmas by Richard Paul Evans ~Arts/Crafts-stained glass candle holders ~Christmas Carol/Hymn-O Come All Ye Faithful ~Holiday Tradition-Christmas Lights
Day 4 ~Advent Candle-Light the first candle, the Hope candle ~Read the Bible Verses: Daniel 9:24-27, Micah 6:6-8 ~Words to Know-Messiah, annointed ~Books-There Was No Snow on Christmas Eve by Pam Munoz Ryan,Winters Gift by Jane Monroe Donovan ~Arts/Crafts- paper snowflakes ~Christmas Carol/Hymn- Handel’s Messiah ~Holiday Tradition-Christmas Colors: red, green, gold
Day 5 ~Advent Candle-Light the first candle, the Hope candle ~Read the Bible Verses: Galatians 4:4-5, Ephesians 1:9-12, ~Words to Know-incarnation ~Books- The Legend of the Candy Cane by Lori Walburg ~Arts/Crafts-graham cracker gingerbread house, hang candy canes on our tree ~Christmas Carol/Hymn- Little Drummer Boy ~Holiday Tradition-Candy Canes
Day 6 ~Advent Candle-Light the first candle, the Hope candle ~Read the Bible Verses: Numbers 24:17,19, Revelation 22:16, 2 Peter 1:19 ~Words to Know-scepter ~Books-The Christmas Star by Marcus Pfister, This Is the Star by Joyce Dunbar, Only a Star by Margery Facklam ~Arts/Crafts-origami stars ~Christmas Carol/Hymn- O Holy Night ~Holiday Tradition-Christmas ornaments
Day 7 ~Advent Candle-Light the first candle, the Hope candle ~Read the Bible Verses: Malachi 3:1, Luke 1:67-79, Matthew 24:36-44 ~Words to Knows-messenger, forerunner ~Books-The Last Straw by Fredrick Thury ~Arts/Crafts-make homemade Christmas cards for neighbors ~Christmas Carol/Hymn-God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen ~Holiday Tradition-Christmas Cards
Day 8 ~Advent Candle-This week, we will be lighting the Peace Candle. First light the Hope Candle, then the Peace Candle. ~Read the Bible Verses: Micah 5:2-5, Revelation 21:1-4 ~Words to Know- shepherd ~Books- The Crippled Lamb by Max Lucado, Saint Francis and the Christmas Donkey by Robert Byrd ~Arts/Crafts- fluffy lamb ornament ~Christmas Carol/Hymn-O Little Town of Bethlehem ~Holiday Tradition- candles
Day 9 ~Advent Candle-Light the first candle, the Hope candle, then light the second candle, the Peace candle ~Read the Bible Verses: Isaiah 40: 1-5, 9-11, Jeremiah 23:1-6, Revelation 22;12-17 ~Words to Know- recompense ~Books- The Story of Holly and Ivy by Rumer Godden ~Arts/Crafts-beaded ornaments ~Christmas Carol/Hymn- Go Tell It on the Mountain ~Holiday Tradition- The Salvation Army Red Kettles
Day 10 ~Advent Candle-Light the first candle, the Hope candle, then light the second candle, the Peace candle ~Read the Bible Verses: Luke 1:11-25 ~Words to Know- angel ~Books- Bright Christmas: An Angel Remembers by Andrew Clements ~Arts/Crafts- angel tree topper ~Christmas Carol/Hymn- Angels We Have Heard on High ~Holiday Tradition- Mistletoe
Day 11 ~Advent Candle-Light the first candle, the Hope candle, then light the second candle, the Peace candle ~Read the Bible Verses: Luke 1:26-38 ~Words to Know- salutation, annunciation ~Books- Mary’s First Christmas by Walter Wangerin, Mary’s Treasure Box by Carolyn Kramlich ~Arts/Crafts-holly fingerprint art ~Christmas Carol/Hymn- Mary, Did You Know? ~Holiday Tradition- Holly
Day 12 ~Advent Candle-Light the first candle, the Hope candle, then light the second candle, the Peace candle ~Read the Bible Verses: John 1:1-9 ~Words to Know- witness ~Books- The Twelve Days of Christmas by Jan Brett ~Arts/Crafts- 12 Days of Christmas booklet ~Christmas Carol/Hymn- Twelve Days of Christmas ~Holiday Tradition- 12 Days of Christmas
Day 13 ~Advent Candle-Light the first candle, the Hope candle, then light the second candle, the Peace candle ~Read the Bible Verses: John 1:10-18 ~Words to Know- grace ~Books- Silent Night: The Song and It’s Story by Margaret Hodges ~Arts/Crafts-snow globes ~Christmas Carol/Hymn- Silent Night ~Holiday Tradition- abbreviation “Xmas”
Day 14 ~Advent Candle-Light the first candle, the Hope candle, then light the second candle, the Peace candle ~Read the Bible Verses: Mark 1:1-11 ~Words to Know- repentance ~Books- Through the Animals Eyes: A Story of the First Christmas by Christopher Wormell ~Arts/Crafts-pie plate ornaments ~Christmas Carol/Hymn- Do You Hear What I Hear? ~Holiday Tradition- Yule Logs
Day 15 ~Advent Candle-This is the week of the Joy Candle for Advent! Light the Hope and Peace candles, and then the Joy Candle. ~Read the Bible Verses: Matthew 2:9-12 ~Words to Know- worship ~Books- The Story of the Three Wise Kings by Tomie dePaola, The Clown of God by Tomie dePaola ~Arts/Crafts- Cinnamon Christmas Ornaments ~Christmas Carol/Hymn- We Three Kings ~Holiday Tradition- Gingerbread
Day 16 ~Advent Candle-Light the Hope and Peace candles, and then the Joycandle. ~Read the Bible Verses: Luke 2:8-20 ~Words to Know- glory ~Books- A Certain Small Shepherd by Rebecca Caudill ~Arts/Crafts- gift wrap fans ~Christmas Carol/Hymn- Hark the Herald Angels Sing ~Holiday Tradition- Gift-giving
Day 17 ~Advent Candle-Light the Hope and Peace candles, and then the Joycandle. ~Bible Verses- Psalm 98 ~Words to Know- praise ~Books- The Legend of the Poinsettia by Tomie dePaola ~Arts/Crafts- poinsettia napkin rings ~Christmas Carol/Hymn- The Christmas Song ~Holiday Tradition- Poinsettias
Day 18 ~Advent Candle-Light the Hope and Peace candles, and then the Joycandle. ~Read the Bible Verses: Isaiah 61:1-3, 10-11 ~Words to Know- exult ~Books- The Real Santa Claus: Legends of Saint Nicholas by Marianna Mayer, Flight of the Reindeer: The True Story of Santa Claus and His Christmas Mission by Robert Sullivan ~Arts/Crafts- Santa ornament ~Christmas Carol/Hymn- Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas ~Holiday Tradition- Santa Claus, elves
Day 19 ~Advent Candle-Light the Hope and Peace candles, and then the Joycandle. ~Read the Bible Verses: Zephaniah 3:14-17 ~Words to Know- zion ~Books- The Polar Express by Chris Van Allsburg ~Arts/Crafts- jingle bell ornament ~Christmas Carol/Hymn- Silver Bells ~Holiday Tradition- Christmas Bells
Day 20 ~Advent Candle-Light the Hope and Peace candles, and then the Joycandle. ~Read the Bible Verses: 1Chronicles 16:8-36 ~Words to Know- joy ~Books- The Christmas Miracle of Jonathan Toomey by Susan Wojciechowski ~Arts/Crafts- reindeer ornament ~Christmas Carol/Hymn- Joy to the World ~Holiday Tradition- Reindeer
Day 21 ~Advent Candle-Light the Hope and Peace candles, and then the Joycandle. ~Read the Bible Verses: 1John 4:7-19, 1John 5:20 ~Words to Know- rejoice ~Books- Cranberry Christmas by Wende Devlin, The Nutcracker by Janet Schulman ~Arts/Crafts- string cranberry garland ~Christmas Carol/Hymn- The Nutcracker Suite by Tchaikovsky ~Holiday Tradition- The Nutcracker Ballet
Day 22 ~Advent Candle-We have reached the last Sunday of Advent! This is the week of the Love Candle for Advent! Light the Hope, Peace andJoy candles, and then the Love Candle. ~Read the Bible Verses: Luke 1:5-25, Luke 1:26-56 ~Words to Know-love ~Books- The Christmas Day Kitten by James Herriot ~Arts/Crafts-angel paper chain ~Christmas Carol/Hymn- What Child Is This? ~Holiday Tradition- Nativity
Day 23 ~Advent Candle-Light the Hope, Peace and Joy candles, and then the Love Candle. ~Read the Bible Verses: Matthew 1:18-25, Luke 1:57-80 ~Words to Know- truth ~Books- All for the Newborn Baby by Phyllis Root, Silver Packages by Cynthia Rylant ~Arts/Crafts- Christmas carol booklet, bake a Happy Birthday Jesus cake ~Christmas Carol/Hymn- The First Noel ~Holiday Tradition- Christmas Caroling
Day 24 MerryChristmas! ~Advent Candle-Today we light the past 4 candles of Advent and then the white candle, the Christ candle. ~Read the Bible Verses-Luke 2:1-20, Matthew 2:1-12 ~Books-Away in a Manger illustrated by Thomas Kinkade ~Christmas Carol/Hymn-Away in a Manger ~Holiday Tradition-Nativity