Today, I bring you K5 Learning, an online program designed for after-school or homeschool enrichment study. This is not an all-inclusive curriculum. It works primarily as an adjunct to your usual curriculum. For a child, like Ben, who really struggles with math, an approach like this is appreciated. I spend a lot of time looking for additional math help for him, and I don’t always want an entirely new curriculum. The program begins with a free assessment of your student’s ability in math and reading and then adapts to the results. I love that it doesn’t just automatically teach at a grade level, because Ben’s abilities vary a great deal.
We plan to continue using K5 Learning past the 6 weeks we were given for doing this review. I believe both the Math Facts and Spelling programs to be worth the monthly fee for us. I have been searching for a program that really drills math facts to mastery and K5 Learning does just that. Ben really enjoys the approach to spelling and vocabulary as well. Even though I don’t have concerns for Ben in this area, I believe it will keep him working on the Math Facts to have the Spelling part to look forward to.
I’m grateful to have been introduced to K5 Learning.
Disclaimer: As a member of the TOS Crew, I received this product, at no cost to me, in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are those of myself and/or my son.